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I'd like to setup one of my groups where only the host and mods can start topics but group members can reply and comment. .. anyway to do this? I set permissions for host and mods only but no one can reply...

Cutiebeauty 9 Jan 1

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What would be the incentive to join a group in which all I could do is reply to existing posts?

It's a political debate Group... Topics are selected to debate

@Cutiebeauty I'll keep my eye out for it

@Paul4747 "Political debate " Group


No what Bingst said. It's either one way or the other.

Either it's Host and Mods only posting - or it's everyone.

Certainly you can ask for that in the group rules however.


So in the restriction options, you set "who can post?" to group owner and moderators only, and that also keeps anyone else from commenting and replying?

No, I want members to comment...I just want to set the topics... And mods

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