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New group!
Do you like to build, design, engineer or create things? Or are inspired by those that do? This is a group for those that are, love or want to be creative-maker types. PLEASE NOTE This is not your mother's crafting group, this is for builders and engineers, fine artists-craftsmen, and those that tinker. 😉 Art with an edge.
#artists #Designers #Builders #Masterminds #Makers #Creators #art #creativity #Inspiration #PerformanceArt #Costumers #Sculptors FineArtists
Please note-you must be level 5+ to join.
Click the link---->&Masterminds

CaroleKay 8 Jan 1

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Just signed up. I've designed and created a number of sets over the years. I'll dig out some pics. I look forward to seeing everyone's work. Good group idea.. Thanks CK!

1 2nd daughter is a GREEN Mechanical Engineer living a zero land fill lifestyle rehabbing and designing green buildings sustainably. ...her grandfather was a missionary in Africa building mud brick schools churches toilets with his bare hands and fellow converts. dad made many custom tools his dad was a blacksmith. ...romance to me is pioneer work restoring earth to more natural symbiotic living....a bower bird if you will


Does music count and l do paint some?

If you paint the instruments that you build, lol! Just kidding. I think you should join because you have an artist soul and love to comment. Anyone can join . Post should be somehow related to the content of the group.

@CaroleKay LOL Cool, l will.

@CaroleKay I think what you said translates into little talent, but he thinks he knows a lot. That would be pretty accurate. 🙂


the HandCrafters group is pretty much about this

Ummmmm, I have been there and no. Have you seen my posts there?

I'm taking this up a level, and besides, that is not my group, this is.

@CaroleKay yeah since its my group

@btroje I have posted twice there. It's more for fine art and photography, right? and weren't you inspired by the Visual Artists group or they stole from you? Your group is not a good fit for me as it is a lot of crafting, etc. This is more for builders and engineers. I'd like to keep it that way.

For those who want "Crafty" Please go here... 😀 "handcrafters , fine artists, photographers, or other things of beauty" Group

@btroje Here's a great example... []

@CaroleKay if you read the descriptions Visual Artists and my group are different and no my group is not just about fine art and photography

@CaroleKay Visual Artists and my group were formed at the same time. THere was no stealing . We talked about it

@btroje OK, I was here. I thought when the second one formed and there was a similar discussion... But I'll take your word for it. Well, now there's three, just like the garden groups. All different and something for everyone. I don't care to have huge groups if I see something that better fits your group description I will happily send them your way and will make sure that my definition is also different than yours. 👍 Like I said, I need a place to post my work, as I feel I do not fit into either of the other groups.


Yeah, sounds great. I would like to be included.

Please do, would love to have you! "Artists, Masterminds, Makers, and Creators." Group


I'm in! I like creative types cuz I'm one of them.



I'll join

Yay! Xoxo!

@CaroleKay anything for you ?

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