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Weirdly, on a short walk today, I was wished a very pleasant happy new year by virtually every total stranger that I encountered. It was surreal -- it hasn't happened in the past 62 years, why now??

A trio of joggers, a passing motorist who actually rolled down his window to wish me good tidings, after stopping to let me through the crosswalk.

Then the clerk and a couple of customers at the store.

I mean, this is how people are supposed to act at Christmas, and never do.

I was wondering if someone had posted a sign on my back, "I'm depressed, please wish me happy new year or I'll kill myself".

My wife's explanation is that people are still a bit inebriated from the prior night's festivities, but I think it more likely such people would be hung over, not jovial.

I chalk it up to people really especially wanting a fresh start after a mentally brutal 2018. So I finally have something to thank Trump for. I guess.

On the other hand that guy who stopped so I could cross, will probably be back to running me down by Thursday I suppose. Once reality sets back in.

But it's nice while it lasts ...

mordant 8 Jan 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I hike/walk a lot. I always wish people Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening...and whatever holiday is upon us. Some smile and return the greeting....others looked shocked at first but generally smile and return the greeting too....and some just look at me like I lost my mind. LOL

It's common courtesy and costs me nothing. Besides, it might just make someone have a better day.

I do the same. After my husband died I felt especially vulnerable and alone, and when I'd go out for my daily walk, I'd say "Hello" to people if they were in their yard or passing by and sometimes end up chatting a bit. It paid off considerably---I made several new friends among my neighbors. Also, I love to see someone's face light up when I acknowledge their presence. That happened today, and it lifted my spirits, too.


I think you have it right - there’s no place to go but up from here.

skado Level 9 Jan 2, 2019

Just be happy about it and keep it up at your end too.


Everyone I passed walking the dog today said hello and/or HNY. This isn't that unusual in my neighborhood and I think it is a common New Years experience. Enjoy it.


Yes, I think there is a wave of hopeful enthusiasm, this year especially, wishing for a better year to come.

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