But why the profanity? If a case can't be made without calling someone a motherfucker, that says a lot.
Because that's what motherfucking adults do.
@Lop-Eared-Mule not all, my child
@maturin1919 I respect you stance but do not agree. Words have meaning. Surely there is a degree of profanity that would offend or at least seem pointless to nearly everyone.
@K9Kohle789 No offense but "There was an article online..." prefaces a lot of dubious "facts".
His argument does not depend on the profanity - that just lends some colour.
Reminds me of the old saying "There are no athiests in foxholes."
Bullshit. Everyone in a foxhole is an athiest.
If you truly believe you are under god's protection, why would you hide from the bullets?