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I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny. These students have earned their right to be heard. So, yes, Louis C.K., we will ALL listen to what they have to say. []

yogafan108 7 Jan 2

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I get it, it's tasteless, coming from a guy with a sordid history of sexually exploiting women he had leverage over.

Louis C.K. is a shitty human being.

THAT SAID, I will die on the hill that either everything is funny, or nothing is. It's morbid, it's not everyone's cup of tea, and it's certainly provocative and crass.

And I chuckled.

Not because I think it's funny that students get shot to death in schools, or because their voices don't deserve to be heard, but because it was a joke, and it was funny (to me).

This isn't to marginalize how you feel, but to explain why I feel differently. I'm not crossing my fingers or hoping for a C.K. comeback, but people have lived and died off this kind of comedy for decades and it isn't going to stop anytime soon. He's not even the worst offender. It's nothing worth getting riled up over, he doesn't decide anything about whether their voices are heard, even if that is how he really feels.

@PalacinkyPDX You run the risk, I think, of coming off as classy as Mr. C.K. for generalizing people based on what they find funny, even if it is juvenile.

@PalacinkyPDX I appreciate that you are not lumping us all into the same basket, which is what I feared. I cannot say that I entirely agree with you, but I can see your perspective. Cheers, and have a good night.


It is satire. He is mocking those who actually believe that shit.

@yogafan108 . . he is echoing those who actually believe that shit.


I will ignore the comedian and the joke just like I ignore the NRA on such topics. They are out to make money, not provide actual expertise.


Really!!! Really!!!??..... I will never understand the offence taking culture festering to absurdity. These days ..There's as big roll in each individuals life to ...Turn off what you don't like... don't go to a comedy club or listen to comedians if you don't like them... freedom of choice hasn't been taken away from you liberal fruitcakes... has it ... has it... no NO! it hasn't. So get a life and stop throwing your soy beverages in the air and grow up. F#$%k

Have a little self-control.

@PalacinkyPDX racist I'm disgusted.

@maturin1919 Oh please !!! explain the point I'm missing. Tragic things happen . There's crazy people in the world. Empathy deprived and nassicistic dregs of society.. To attack a third party ie: CK Louis. . For a poorly timed and executed joke seems petty.. Attack the petpitrator.
Attack obviously bad vetting for gun ownership. The root of the problem needs addressing. . Mental health.!!

@maturin1919 But they are words merely WORDS.. CK never shot anyone. . It's pathetic to vilify a comedian . Dont laugh if you disn't like the joke .. The risk of offending a portion of society as soon as anyone opens their mouth is high these days.

@maturin1919 As long as voicing their disgust is all they do. This obscene self rightious atempt to destroy someone's career over a bad joke is beyond childish .. It's criminal.


Honestly, who F-ing cares about a comedian making a poor tasting joke?!?. Don't go to his shows - very simple way to protest if you don't like him. In the meantime, check out the below three links where there is plenty of real world shit going on to be upset about - maybe even try to make a positive difference in the word!


@yogafan108 He's a comedian being a douche. I just don't see how 'correcting' him is really where focus and energies can best serve one's community? Seems like there are a lot worse things going on that are a bit more pressing - but hey, you do you.

@jondspen I know you finished with "you do you", but that doesn't really excuse your behavior. I know you're frustrated that people aren't thinking the way you're thinking and that they aren't working toward goals you believe are important, but that doesn't really give you the right to tell people their goals aren't important. Your entire comment chain here is you attempting to minimize someone and their thinking. It's unnecessary. This isn't a game with only one possible way to win. It's not about taking sides, or only focusing on goals everyone agrees are the most important. It's life, man. Let people express themselves without feeling guilty. I'd hoped we as a community had forsaken that type of reasoning when we gave up, or started questioning, authoritarian religions.

  1. some people care. they're allowed to care. 2. caring about one thing doesn't prevent or stand in the way of caring about other things. some of us can multitask. 3. are you in charge of what we should care about? if you don't care about this, why are you commenting?


@PolyWolf @yogafan108 @genessa - I would just like to know how many times in 2018 you went beyond voting in a popularity contest and attended a city counsel meeting, contacted your county officials, wrote your state senators or representatives, or called your elected officials in US Congress about ANYTHING?!?!? Getting on here and ranting about a COMEDIAN is doing about as much good as a xian praying for their sports team to win IMO.

@yogafan108 Who's being mean now.. To go after a mans lively hood for the sake of a poorly timed joke . I beyond disgusting.

@jondspen i don't know how many times. i didn't count. several times, anyway. sorry, your assumptions are based on facts not in evidence and at least in my case are patently false. in addition, i did not come here and rant about a comedian. show me where i even MENTIONED a comedian! i responded calmly and logically to what YOU said when you were ranting about a discussion about a comedian.. there is a difference. in further addition, shall we now no longer discuss anything except what YOU consider important, for fear you might think we have no other concerns in our lives? to use a religious phrase, who died and made YOU god?


@yogafan108 Fair enough... the man's perverted sexual desires are pretty unsavoury Its Sad certain performers and celebrities get a false sense of superiority which does not excuse his gross behaviour... Many are being outed for sexual misconduct lately. . So that at least is a positive thing. Taking advantage sexually of anybody on the grounds your a famous person is being exposed as the heinous act it is.

@genessa I didn't assume - I asked a question, and you still didn't answer directly - just said "several times". And I never said people have no right to care about things I find inconsequential, I merely stated railing about a COMEDIAN making a bad joke is wasted energy. He's not an elected official, and I personally don't give any credence nor weight to what an entertainer says on any matter. A big problem in the USA is how easily manipulated it's citizens are by media and entertainers who have no credentials to speak on anything with authority. Notice I said credentials, not right.

@yogafan108 That is good you wrote your congressional representatives, but it appears you did not attend any city or county counsel meetings, nor contact your LOCAL government about concerns. Again, you can get upset and angry about a comment an entertainer says, I just don't personally give much attention to these people. Doctors, scientists, professionals in the field, yea - what they say to influence policy matters. Some entertainer who is nothing more than the popular kid in school, or the class clown, or the football jock - what does it matter their opinion? Entertainers do just that, entertain - they are not litmus tests for our collective society's ideas or moral compass. My point has been very clear - there is much worse things being done and said, and there are many more appropriate people that deserve your attention whom you can voice your opinion too.

@jondspen " I asked a question, and you still didn't answer directly - just said 'several times'. " oh sorry, when i was participating in the democracy of my country, i forgot to count how many times in case someone asked me online. i think "several" was a perfectly adequate answer, and more than you deserved, as you asked it as if you WERE assuming we had not done so at all. as for credentials, you admit media is influential, and that is the basis on which one may criticize a comedian. you've supported our point. you're making a much bigger (and less honest) fuss about people's complaining here about a comedian than the complaints themselves are making! don't you have phone calls to make to your elected representative instead of chastising us (i say us even though, as i pointed out, i had actually declined to say anything at all about the comedian or what he said; my only comment was about your reaction to this topic!)


@genessa You are the only one chastising, telling me I am wrong to tell people what they should find meaningful and important - ironic actually you participate in the same you accuse of me. I have made my point without insult or attack, something I could not say of you, nor have you proposed different. I say media is influential to the weak mind and those easily influenced. There are more important issues to address in this world; I do not feel the need to argue every battle is epic and should be fought. I simply disagree that one's energies could be better focused, and one's impression upon others more positive by using perspective on which battles are meaningful. Reply how you will, I am done reiterating my point.

@jondspen without insult or attack? "Honestly, who F-ing cares about a comedian making a poor tasting joke?!?" yeah that's not insulting at all, is it? because some of the people here apparently DO care. that's who fucking cares. "Don't go to his shows - very simple way to protest if you don't like him." so don't go to this kind of post. very simple way to apportion your attention to the things that matter to you. obviously what people say about a comedian matters to you. you're done reiterating your point? yes, i can tell, since you have nothing useful or even true to say. that's not an attack; it's a fact. it might be an insult. it depends on whether or not you f-ing care.



I've enjoyed Louis C.K. in the past. I have mixed feelings about his attempting a comeback (that's a conversation by itself). But what confuses me is, who actually finds this joke funny? Comedians come up with all kinds of jokes, funny and not. But then they put them in front of people to weed out the ones that are garbage. So someone (multiple someones) had to have given him positive feedback on this joke.
And it's not unfunny because it's offensive - or at least not ONLY because it's offensive. If you remove the issue of sensitivity, it's just a garbage joke. It falls flat simply because, despite whatever sensitivities may be triggered, the logic just doesn't follow, not even in an absurdist context.


Never heard of him.


Bad idea. Instead of acting appropriately contrite for being sexually obnoxious, he decided to take his act on the road for the type of people who won't judge him for being a pig: conservatives. Hell, it makes sense... they happily overlook their president's pussy grabbing. So talk smack about the kids who oppose being shot to death in their classrooms, trans and gender fluid people, and throw in some racism for good measure. The Trumplodytes eat that stuff up, and even if they don't find it funny they'll relish the idea that it might be pissing off liberals. They spend a lot of time fantasizing about all the tears they think we shed. It's just a matter of time before he says something that will piss off that group, too, though, since conservatives are every bit as thin-skinned as they claim liberals are. Hope Louis CK took wood shop or something useful in high school, so he might have a different vocation to fall back on, otherwise I see a few convenience store jobs in his future.

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 2, 2019

Honestly. No one in there right mind can conflate Trump's 20 yr old locker room talk with the shooting of school kids.. Give me strength. !!!. To observe the absolute hatred for Trump by lefties is self defeating ....So President Elizabeth Warren is it .... hahaha haha.

@Seriousreason my point was that there are those who seem willing to give anything from bad taste to actual hate speech a pass if it suits their agenda, and Trump and his supporters have become famous for this very thing. If a dick like Louis CK has lost his target liberal market, it's no big surprise that he switched to pandering to the conservatives who hate them. A feeble and probably futile move, but not a surprising one.

@Deb57 Hate .. is a very strong word .. like racist and nazis ...But Democrats ' leftist journalists, maxiist college professors and cringe worthy SJW.'s have diluted the terms so much by repeating them over and over ..( white supremacy & nazis everywhere) it's ludicrous. ... Hate speech is a convenient term to enable those that don't agree to shut down or remove a platform from their opposition. .. It's an assult on free speech . Which naturally aligns with socialist regressive views . A sad state of affairs.


I've been done with him for a while now. Even before this, and even before the
stories of his stupid-ass behavior hit the news.
I never found him particularly entertaining to begin with.

He can say whatever he pleases, and he can live with the consequences of
whatever he says.
Just like everybody else.


Many comedians use comedy as a form of escapism. He's clearly doing so, in an attempt to escape the reality of his being a terrible human being; he believes that if he can make people laugh, they'll forget about that.


That man hasn't been funny in decades.


Comedians don't need to censor themselves and can make jokes about whatever they want. The system regulates itself as his jokes were in poor taste and not funny because of that. He just crushed his attempted comeback.

Are you old enough to remember Don Rickles?

@jlynn37 Yes, but definitely not in his prime. Any comparison would need to factor in the extreme difference in free flow of information on social media and the lessening of tolerance for sexual misconduct.

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