There are many people what if we knew better we would feel bad to know, however if we decide to loathe everyone who does not agree with us then we are going to live in a world worse than presently known. At some point we are going to have to realize that we have more in common than we have as differences. The one or two things that we want to feel separate us may at some point destroy us. We are better together than we are apart, we have to work together and understand each other and realize that we all have the same basic concerns.
I don't think all Trump supporters are "awful". I think many of htem just can't find it in themselves to ever admit they were wrong.
As Mark Twain said, "It is much easier to fool a man then it is to convince a man he has been fooled."
It is especially hard for those who want to frame the world all in black and white choices, hwere there are no nuances to right or wrong, but rigid differences between them.
What is truly awful is knowing you have family members who support the orange anus.
Big Ditto there, @Redheadedgammy. And these people are intelligent. That's what really bothers me!
It's been a disheartening realization to see how many people I know and several I care for who are ignorant enough to be a part of the problem.
I am ashamed of the USA. When I travel abroad, and people ask where I'm from, I tell them I'm from Canada.
I've done that for about 10 years now. I do have relatives in Canada that I visit yearly, so it's not like I don't ever go there. Sad that we are so ashamed of our own Country.
Awfulness seems to be pretty out in the open in these times of hatred and it is a worldwide thing. How sad. Why havnt we learnt from the past?
No, the really scary situation for watching who you say hello to is that old cartoon in which everybody, including all the mouth-breathing yahoos, is carrying firearms. The caption reads, "An armed society is a polite society". Yeah, right...
Indeed. It worked out so well in the old west.
It's really disheartening to realize so many have so little kindness and compassion. I recently attended a family funeral with the majority of the room being evangelical Trump voters. I felt covered in phony ick by the time I left.
Was it truly phony, or was it real ick? Sorry for your loss.btw
@oldFloyd thanks for your snark. As far as I am concerned there is more than one kind of ick.
@Serenityseeker alas very true
Yes, I get tired of being called a libtard, and go live in Canada.
Although I wouldn't mind living in Canada with good and affordable health care.
With me and others who oppose Brexit it's "Go live in the EU if you like it so much!". I would you idiots if you hadn't voted to prevent me doing that!
I wouldnt say awful , but ya.. i actually assumed at one point we people were progressing.. becoming more enlightened.. and i mistakenly assumed it was the majority of us.. turns out they were just pretending to be politically correct.
Exactly! We only thought we were becoming a more enlightened, tolerant country and then Trump made it acceptable to be openly bigoted, sexist and hateful. I really wasn't that surprised because one, I'm a born pessimist and two, I was already aware how most people seemed to hate PC.
I don't fault tRump per se. Personally I think he is more of a result than a cause (as if that makes a difference). I was also one of the ones who deluded themselves into believing we had been making progress. It's been so disappointing and frankly humiliating to find out how wrong I was.?
I am very cautious anymore. The Trumpites won't even give you any leeway if you're a veteran (if you don't support their wacko Cheetos head, you must be anti American and unpatriotic)
i agree.
@AntaresRose oh dear gawd, makes you want to puke doesn't it????