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There is hope again for the USA. Nancy Pelosi sworn in as speaker of the house. ?

Dragonfly_1965 5 Jan 3

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Well, there's your problem. She will continue to have government acting like a god, with us to worship it like a god.


At least Ryan isn't there anymore!


Well her history has proven that she is a lot of talk but not much action for the people


Hope for what? She was preaching about Medicare for All and Single Payer since the 90s, but when it came time to focus on that and actually support it when Bernie Sanders introduced the bill, Pelosi refused to support it. Her reasoning was that they needed to focus on protecting the ACA from the Republicans. Can they not chew gum and walk at the same time? The ACA did help those that weren't covered, but it still mostly benefits insurance companies. When it came time for walking the walk, she came to a standstill.

History is a poor argument for The present...

@OwlInASack not who else , what else..

@Cutiebeauty What? Lol

So you don't judge politicians by their history? Just on their empty promises? If someone keeps talking about what they want, and then when they get a chance to take action for it and don't do it, what are you supposed to judge them on?

@Piece2YourPuzzle people change their minds about issues . we are not born with immutable mindsets...

@Cutiebeauty Well then why call people on the Democrat side liberals or progressives? Why have any labels at all? Hey, I decided yesterday that I am for peace, but today I want to invade countries for corporate gain. I changed my mind. I told you yesterday that I wanted single payer healthcare that would cost less, but today I want healthcare that benefits insurance companies. That's ridiculous! There is some leeway for mind changing, but not when it's so radical as to make people see that you are a phony. This is politics. This isn't changing your mind about wanting meatloaf for dinner.

@Piece2YourPuzzle that's funny... You changed the perspective from historical to day to day... You sound like a fool lol

@Cutiebeauty No, I demonstrated how stupid your explanation was. But thanks for not having a discussion and insulting me. People like you are why politicians in both parties aren't held accountable for lying or going back on their supposed core beliefs. Congratulations on supporting the corrupt system that keeps most people down.

@Piece2YourPuzzle I didn't insult you ... I said you sound like a fool... Not that you are a fool... Just like you used the word stupid, I'm not insulted lol

@Cutiebeauty Yes, after you insulted me. I wouldn't think you are insulted after hearing how you judge politicians. You would probably fit right in with them.

@Piece2YourPuzzle actually your meatloaf comment could've been taken as you're attempt at talking down to a woman.. But like I said, I'm not insulted easily.. Cause I are a grown people and I talkee the goodish English lol

@Cutiebeauty Really? I mean how low can you get? I don't put it past you though considering your sexist comment that another poster responded to below me. Seems like a discussion for you and your psychiatrist.

@Piece2YourPuzzle advocating for women isnt sexist silly man... Especially when men have been suppressing women's right forever. Lol

@Cutiebeauty Keep doubling down. You're not as clever as you think.

@Piece2YourPuzzle good argument😉

@Cutiebeauty You have no fucking argument lol. You're the one that started insulting people and then claimed they were being sexist with an out of context meatloaf comment because they HAVE NO ARGUMENT. Your little implied racist jab was cute too. Quit while you're ahead. Your character is showing.

@Piece2YourPuzzle there it is lol you're a conservative... You used the word racist out of context ... Lmao. Now I know what I'm dealing with here... Fake news and alternative facts lol

@Cutiebeauty I'm not a conservative. I'm a liberal. More specifically a libertarian socialist. No that doesn't mean I'm a libertarian or a socialist either. If you care to learn what it means then look it up. If you don't, then all you have to know is that I mostly believe in Noam Chomsky's philosophies and ideas. I also believe in gay rights, women's rights, substantially less militarism, regulation of corporations, environmental health, single-payer healthcare for all, a woman's right to choose abortion, sensible gun control, helping those that have it worse off than others including social programs, and a few other things. What I don't believe in are bigots like you who try to label people wrongly because they have a disagreement about something. You also like to insult people and claim wrongfully that they are racist, sexist, or conservative when you have no argument for what you're talking about. Pretty ironic. And there are no such thing as alternative facts, just facts. Try again.

@Piece2YourPuzzle yeah OK.. Whatever ... I tire of your nonsense... Thanks for the mansplaining Mr. Man...lmao again...

@Cutiebeauty You are a lost cause. Have fun with that bullshit.


Whatever else, a woman is a welcome change over men ...

That statement is actually kind of sexist.
I would rather something like, whatever else some one more qualified now has the job, man or woman, it doesen't matter.
That's JMHO.

@TristanNuvo men have been in power forever... I'm just suggesting a change.... And since men have been in charge... Everything is their fault... Good or bad

@OwlInASack thanks for that ?

@Cutiebeauty, so, being a sexist is not as bad as being a racist?

@GlyndonD I don't understand your question...


I'm very glad the Democrats are in majority of the House. But Pelosi is a corporate-backed Dem and will offer no solution to our corrupted political system.


Her daughter's remark: She can cut off your head and you would not even know you were bleeding...

I hope she does not dig in her heels to the point of being useless and turn people against the party even more so...

We need strong people to go against the unstable one but we also need a very defined agenda that will help more will be interesting to see the priority list of things to get done...


I have some hope, but we will have to wait and see how much she can get done.


I'm guardedly hopeful.


Is she agnostic?

Nope as Catholic as they come.

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