I'm super shy, I mean I'm capable of being outgoing in the context of a job or small talk but I'm always very nervous on the inside. Does anyone else feel that way?
I heard an interesting discussion on shyness. They were saying that in actuality, most shy people are more self centered, and overthink the idea that everyone is looking at them, judging them, paying attention to everything they do. When in reality, most other people are not paying any attention, and really don't give a damn ! Food for thought.
It's not that I'm worried about what other people think of me. More or less I'm nervous about broaching interpersonal relationships for more irrational reasons
I do fine one on one but get nervous and shy around larger groups of people, especially if I don't know many of them.
Yes, when I'm in work or a few other defined settings, I can kind of assume a role, almost like an actor, & pretend to act like a normal human being. I can actually be quite bold. But in casual settings I can't do it. I'm very insecure, self conscious & awkward.
There are some rare people who just love meeting others.
Most people have some degree of trepidation. Exposure is good - and having a sense of adventure about it. Usually the worst that can happen isn't really that bad?
I don't even let myself catastrophize it that much anymore.I've never had anything that bad happen and I'm 54.
I am an extrovert by nature. But my BF is super shy. And sometimes what works for him, is finding groups with same similar hobbies/interests. That way there is a gateway conversation past small talk. Hope that helps. Keep trying man!