Do we perceive reality or do we make it up?
Actually, thinking about it right now pretty much destroys reality for me. I need real trees, real people, real earth, real air. Actual THINGS. To look at the whole of reality this way makes everything unreal. How can two people make love if all they are are images or constructs in someone's mind?
People have different perceptions of reality. I insist that a person is a mean jerk, but many people totally disagree and says the person is really super nice and my perception is wrong. I state the the room temperature is too hot, too uncomfortable and other people tell me the temperature is not warm at all. So, whose version of reality is right?
The fact that everybody's reality is in fact their own subjective reality, makes me uneasy sometimes. I don't feel comfortable with this subjectivity. For me, it robs the world of some of its reality. I feel like I need there to be one definite, objective, real world that is the same for everybody else. But I believe I've learned to kind of compartmentalize the idea of subjectivity from my everyday sense of the real world.
@MST3K Reality is what is left over after the drugs wear off.
I think we perceive it as an encounter with the Other. Personal analysis might help but it is limited to what the original perception provides for scrutiny. There is an idea called intersubjectivity where it is accepted by the group that shared perceptions of reality can be taken as objective reality.
We do both. We perceive reality, but never entirely objectively. The senses with which we perceive are easily fooled, and our perspectives act as filters that end up defining --to us-- the nature of what we perceive.