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MY TUNER RADIO is a nice Internet app that allows you to listen to live radio from all over the world. When I was a child "the radio" was a big thing and everything depended on an antenna, so radio was limited. For some time now I have known of Internet sites that allowed you to listen to radio from all over, but this is different. I downloaded My Tuner to my computer and simply select what I want to hear. It also has podcasts and you can download a smartphone version as well. I'm impressed!

I'm a Misourian listening to Houston, Texas live (I once lived there) and also stations in Texarkana. These days I like Jack FM and there are several stations of Jack from all over. I've found just as many live stations from Kenya so I have to tell my ex about this.

In my main Windows computer setup I can run My Tuner Radio and simply turn off my monitor. That makes my app run as a jukebox radio. Totally free and no ads. Again, I am impressed.

DenoPenno 9 Jan 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I love that kinda thing.. Once had one of the last Zenith Transoceanic twelve-band radios, my dad & uncle both had and loved them. Strung a ‘longwire’ antenna between the chimney and large apple tree of my place in the deep woods of Oregon … and would listen to ships at sea, Soviet propaganda, or Police & airport transmissions from my hometown of Portland..

Lately, I’ve a laptop app that transmits the live Police channels of various cities, Portland’s one. I’m across the nation now, but it feels like home and ‘keeps me in touch’ when listening real-time to the places I knew ..especially once having intended to be a city cop back there..

Varn Level 8 Jan 5, 2019


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