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Would you pay $30 per gram for fresh tuna?
That is what diners will have to pay for just one gram of this fish sold for $3.1 million in Japan:

Fish worth 70kg of gold: Sushi king shells out $3.1 million for ‘tasty’ tuna []

FrayedBear 9 Jan 5

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Does cocaine and a hooker come with it for a couple grams?

? ???
I doubt that the Japanese man selling made his millions by giving it away with freebies. Perhaps if you bought ten or twenty kilos? ??????
Does it it come on Medicaid?


what a question! i haven't even $30 daily in total for food.

I've just spent $50 to hopefully provide sufficient for meals to the end of March. Not tuna though. Let me just say that I will not be visiting Mosque or Synagogue in the next three months!


I love going to the tuna auctions! It is incredible what they go for...I would love to be able to afford a taste of it, but no, I would not pay that much...unless I was stupid rich.

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