Once u are made aware of a shortcoming how would you react? Would you change or just ignore the the whole thing? Why wouldn't you make a change?
One person's shortcomings is another person's lovable quirk. I'd consider whether it's part of my personality that I feel I should change. If not, then I'd probably just celebrate that shortcoming, likely exaggerating it for effect, just to tick off the person who had the nerve to bring it up. Really hard to answer a general question - easier with specifics.
If it is somethimg I consider a shortcoming, I do make an effort to change. That being said, some things about me that bug people I don't see as a problem.
If the attribute in question contradicted the beliefs and beliefs I consider central to my definition of myself, it it were likely to interfere with the goals I wanted to achieve, and/or if it would cause others to see me as something I do not want to be, then a would certainly act to change that aspect of myself.I have done that a number of times in my life. I I would also thank the person(s) for their honest feedback.