18 3

Living in San Diego and on the beach and still looking for a girlfriend. Am I too choosy, are my standards too high?
If you are between 50 and 60 that would be ideal. Good looks don't hurt either.....🙂)
Should you be interested in finding out more about me please try eightfiveeightseventhreethreezerosevensevenzero...🙂

seafarersd 5 Jan 7

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Attention Gold Diggers....for a good time call

I mean, why spell out the numbers? Just post them, dude.

Given that the average life expectancy of a male in your obvious physical shape is 78.6, someone is going to inherit a house on the beach in 3 years.

Jump on it, ladies. LOL

Now that's funny.

My mother made it to 99............🙂)


This post reminded me that this site is actually a dating sight as well as a community affair (I had forgotten that point). It also reminded me of why I find (most) men my age and older unattractive? ?

Most men look still good at 85 + but women.......🙂)

@seafarersd Wow, for someone who is trying to attract women, you really should re-assess your approach.


Oh good are such a cliche. 🥺


At 75, you want a 50 year-old woman? Dream on.

I said 50 to 60......🙂)


Yeah, you are. Let us see you are 75 and you want a girl friend who is 15 years younger then you, that is a start.

As I get along with that age group that is what I'm looking for.

@seafarersd Really the other "age" groups are way to cleaver for you I guess.


Thanks for all your comments. Learned a lot but....... I know with whom I get along and with whom not.
A couple of nice comments but most ridiculed me....... so who cares.
BTW ladies........ I don't mind some wrinkles but not all of them after 60 or so. Some of you will look good after that age but most....... will look on the down side ....... just look at Nancy Pelosi and of course all her plastic surgery..... she can hardly smile.... Sophia Loren on the other hand is still gorgeous.
Will keep looking though despite some snide comments.......🙂)

Wow, so glad I'm too wrinkled to be pursued by you. I was hit on yesterday (in real life) by a handsome 45 year old guy, who had no idea I'm a lady of leisure with a place on the beach. Curious what wrinkles have to do with not being a beautiful person? I guess that's in the eye of the beholder. You will definitely tick more women off with your attitude than you will attract. Good luck to you!

I won't take back anything I said about you, but I sincerely have to give you some props for having the balls or gall, depending on how you look at it, to come on and reply to us. I know I wouldn't have. But then again, I would never be so crass or deluded in the first place......

Um ... you DO realize that a woman between 50 and 60 will continue to age, right? And you're basically saying she's going to be discarded as Insufficiently Hot after a few years? Just how stupid and desperate to you think ladies generally -- much less ladies on this site -- are?

Glad you showed up. We don't want your shallow, drunken, ready to stroke out, sunburnt, immature ugly, old ass in the first place. I'm insulted that you think us Agnostic ladies would even fall for that. You let me know if someone falls for this shit. I'll wait right here.

i can see from your response you learned nothing. you care only about how someone looks, which is what you indicated in your initial post. you don't care who ridicules you. that can be a good attitude, or it can indicate that you have not yet figured out how ridiculous your post was. you want, you want, you want, but we have to click through to find out what, if anything, you have to offer. so then what is the profile for? what is the comment for? what are the majority of your posts, about looking for someone, for? we have to go somewhere else? you're so interesting SO far we're tempted to click?



Yeah, that's it, too choosy.


I hear Caitlyn Jenner is available.

Ding, ding, ding, I think we have the winner here!

@TomMcGiverin She’s a woman over 50, not a joke.

@UUNJ I hear you, but to me the joke is that she is exactly what he is NOT looking for...I'm not hating on Caitlyn or transexuals.

@PalacinkyPDX I'm no more bigoted than anyone else here, but glad you have X-ray vision so you can see everything about me, even tho we've never even met. I got the whole thing with Mike's joke all on my own, thank you very much. Would you like your block now or later? You don't know me at all, but you have some company on this site with the same sort of arrogance about others. You are not the court of, much as you'd like to be. Lighten up......

@PalacinkyPDX Glad I can do something to make you happy. BTW, you've also been reported.

@PalacinkyPDX Will you be my friend? This is funny AF

@PalacinkyPDX An "easy laugh"for myself and 5 others.Maybe this coming xmas you could ask Santa for a sense of humor!

@DoctoralZombie Too far away....🙂)

@seafarersd Nope


I never thought I would say this, but guys like him make me appreciate the 50-something cougars I'm seeing on Match. They at least have the looks to seem plausible that they could date a young guy in his mid-30s or early 40s without having to be a sugar mama.


Are you by chance looking for a nurse with a purse? Seriously, I'm happy to have just passed your age cut off. One size does not fit all, and there is nothing worse than being in a relationship just to avoid being alone. Good luck to you.

Is that a caretaker form of golddigger? Never heard that one before... I'm probably too limited in where I go online or I need to get out more. Probably both......

@TomMcGiverin No, that is when an older geezers are looking for a younger (relative term) female to take care of them as they become less able. The female pays the bills (purse) and takes care of the physical limitations (nurse). Getting old ain't pretty and ain't for cowards.

@HippieChick58 Sounds like a bad deal for the woman, esp. since she's not going to come out rich like a golddigger. Where is the upside for the woman? What woman would sign up for that? Would have to be pretty desperate.

@TomMcGiverin Too many women are afraid of being alone and will settle for being the nurse with a purse to have someone in their life. If that is what floats their boat then I wish them well. That is not what I want, so I'm content to be alone until the right one comes along.

@HippieChick58 Agreed. If I felt that alone, I'd try getting a cat before I'd go that route. I prefer cats over dogs.

@TomMcGiverin I do too, and I live with two cats. I am content to be a doting grandmother and crazy cat lady rather than a nurse with a purse for anyone.

@HippieChick58 A wise choice, cheaper, less work, and unconditional love.

@TomMcGiverin the down side of doting grammy is the little ones are germ factories. I've had more colds since the babies came....


I think he must have missed out on that recent post about the golddigger posting on her phone a tribute to her late sugar daddy on the anniv. of his death. It incurred a lot of disgust on this site, but was so touching and heartfelt it brought a tear to my eye, (sarcasm alert).....

But you're all right, he should have used a better photo and maybe also posted a copy of all his financial records. As Ronnie Raygun might have said, Experienced golddiggers trust, but always verify.........

Thanks for all your comments, gang. This is the most laughs I've had all day.

That's probably the best photo he has.



Are you still laughing? 🙂


Good luck to you.


I think you might be making the wrong impression...maybe you should give it another go...

I think this is the kindest response he's ever going to get. 👍

@CaroleKay took me three tries and my delete key...ha ha part of my new year's resolution...let's see how long it will last...ha ha ha

@thinktwice You're a better woman than me. ❤ I. Just. Could. Not.

@CaroleKay I forgive your youthful impulses...ha ha ha How is your knee, btw?

A different go . A different approach altogether maybe.

@thinktwice I'm hanging in there, today is a good day, thank you! ❤
... I see what you did there, Haha!

@CaroleKay actually, I am having knee surgery on Wednesday and thought of you...😉


How’s that approach working for you?

UUNJ Level 8 Jan 7, 2019

I don't play the game.....but I know whose turn it is

Smart man. ♥

@CaroleKay home schooled


Lmao! What? You mean YOUR looks? Are you drunk? You are 75! You are delusional. It's a good thing I'll be too old in a couple of weeks, dodged a bullet I guess.

So, We are both in the same age group now! Hot diggity-dog-diggity!

@Sticks48 same age group but you are definitely not like him at all....

@thinktwice You are way too kind. 🙂

@Sticks48 No, you have proven it over and over with your respectful and intelligent posts...and you know when to stop while you are stop now...ha ha ha

@thinktwice Yes ma'am. 🙂

@Sticks48 would never act like this he's a quality gentleman and has respect for all women. This douchenozzle has zero respect for women, has clearly had too much sun and way too much wine.

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