9 3

I made it to a level 6...

I have absolutely no idea what it really means but that’s where I’m at.


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ThisIsPatrick 6 Jan 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Congratulations, now maybe I’ll get some points and make it to level 2 ??‍♀️


Congrats on becoming a Level 6 member! The perk for level 6 is that you can see comments and replies of level 3 and 4 members before anyone else does. You can also help moderate these comments and replies by clicking the "Approve? [yes] [no]" buttons next to them. It you click, "yes", then everyone can see them instantly. If you click "no", then they disappear until we look at them (typically every few hours).

We really want to thank you for being part of the community. If you're having fun, please spread the word about this site! If you use the promotional link at [] , you can see who signs ups (and get points). If you belong to a secular group, let them know! As always, you can give us your feedback using the contact link at the bottom of every page.

This notice will disappear from the main page now that you've read it but you can find it on the 'Levels Page". Thanks again!




Congrats. . . Still a LONG way to the much rewarded (T-Shirt) level 8

SARCASM ALERT: With the exception of being able to join groups like Community Senate, Rather sure this clip describes the benefits of level 6.

I was just talking with a coworker about this (and other Mel Brooks) movie just yesterday. Classic!

@OtherPatrick That work is a masterpiece. . . . Lots of gold including




You are active indeed. I need to get to 2!

Yep. I remember those level 2 days, so long ago, back when I was a young lad. Cherish them while you can.



It’s a big day in my household.



Thanks, I’ve earned earned it through really hard work. Looking forward to getting to 6.5 levelness...


Way to go!

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