So many big blowhards giving so much credit to all the law enforcement agencies and officials in this case when it wasn't them or God as one man said, it was Jamie herself and her own bravery who had to save herself when all else failed. So when do they praise her instead of stumbling over themselves for all their own "good work" ??? this is the most ridiculous press conference aside from those of the Trump admin, that I have ever seen.
It didn't work for me but I can understand your feelings. During the Serbian war a US pilot got shot down and managed to be rescued after several days behind enemy lines. Everyone attribute that to some god protecting him. The guy had been through survival school and had the training and equipment to get through. It always seems to be about our tribes beliefs and blaming others for being superstitious.
Yes and we are always on the right tribe, the only one with the real truth about god. Drives me nuts, just give credit where credit is due, the people who save themselves did just that, beginning and end of the story!
@Ktcyan These people never ask why this god help some and not others.
Where was their imaginary friend when her parents were being murdered, and
she was being kidnapped?
I'm really glad she's alive, and I hope she gets ALL the help she is going to need
to heal from this horrific episode in her life.
Then when talking to a friend at work about it she said she was so glad the God put the person walking their dog who brought her to the neighbors house was put there by God or what would she have done. I said she would have went tot the neighbors house alone probably, the girl was out to save herself! Where was god when her parents were being killed or for the past months when god knows what , eye roll here, was being down to her. Really I just don't get it, got to give credit to the white men and god, why???