The problem is that in our gym the background music is loud. I guess you are exercising a different muscle.
Oh, if I'm talking about Trumptards at the gym, I speak Spanish. I know it must piss them off. Eventually they'll figure out what "Campesino Rojo" means and I'll be in for it!
You say much nicer things in Spanish than I do...if I get caught, I just say that I got my vocabulary mixed up since I am a "beginner"... there are so many words that sound alike, you know, especially those with "P" and "C"....
My son taught me an eavesdropping trick with his earpods. These kids know all these little things.
Don't wear dark glasses on a nudist beach though.
While in the Navy we took photos of a Russian research vessel. The intelligence office, which I was part of, spent two days on a grainy photo arguing if a sunbathing Soviet woman was topless. I voted she had a top.
lol I do that a lot...I mostly don't want people talking to me as I am grunting and sweating as I lift weights...I really hate it when men in particular mansplain how to lift...
Maybe if you would do it the right way, they wouldn't feel the need to!
$20 says that's their way of trying to build some rapport to ask for your number. I personally don't hit on women at the gym. Just not my style, although I am friendly (or at least not rude) with the women who hit on me.
@jondspen I have a personal trainer and have been lifting since 2004...they are the ones who need to pay attention...I see more men doing ridiculous moves that work against them...I don't say anything...earplugs are generally a polite way to say that I am there to workout...
@thinktwice So what are you saying? Grabbing a weight that is 20lbs heavier than what you should be using, rocking/kipping to get it up, b/c your afraid using smaller weights will make you look like a pussy isn't the right way to lift?
On a side note, you could get a shirt that says "I'm only here to workout" on the front, and " Fuck Off!!!" on the back!
@jondspen ha ha ha I mostly look at form that could hurt your back, knees, etc. The weights are a younger person's insecurities...I love watching the older men work out safely and means they still care for their health and their appearance...I just have a limited amount of time to work out and having conversations slows me down...I think most of the people in my gym are respectful of that for them and no shirt needed... lol I mean, no shirt with those words...not no shirt...oh, you know what I mean... lol
@thinktwice wow....there for a second I was thinking I am REALLY at the wrong gym if these places are out there! lol
@jondspen ha ha ha I would speak to you at my are funny!
Naahhh....rather not know ????
@IAmNoBody might be a new job opportunity. Hehehe... ?
@SleeplessInTexas seriously doubt it but that's a very optimistic way about it. I like it !!!