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It has been asked, if God made us all in his likeness why didn't make us all invisible. Just following up .

Slava3 7 Jan 17

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Touche' Atheist one liners.....EASTER IS CANCELLED...they found the body


God created mankind in his image - so look at a human, and you will see what God is like. Yet before creating heaven and earth, there was NOTHING.

No atmosphere to breathe, but he had lungs (apparently - because we have them, and we are like him).

Nothing to smell, but he had a nose (by the same reasoning).

Nothing to walk on, but he had legs and feet.

Nothing to see, but he had eyes.

Nothing to hear, but he had ears.

Nothing to eat, but he had a stomach.

Nothing to bite, but he had teeth.

Nothing to pick up, but he had hands.

No gravity to resist, but he had a skeleton.

Odd, isn't it, how God's body - that he chose to copy in order to make us - appears to have been adapted specifically for a habitat that did not exist until god, himself, created that habitat... not for himself, but for us?


What I read this I started laughing out loud! I'm still laughing.


What I read this I started laughing out loud! I'm still laughing.


And why don't we all allow others to kill our children?


There is no likeness of something that is invisible. Only imagination can produce a likeness. Thus, for me at least, evidence that man's imagination produced god in man's own image.


Human arrogance. Thou art God!

Della Level 6 Jan 17, 2019

@Elganned I am not saying we are any good at it!

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