Valentine's day is coming so I have a question to throw out there. Is it appropriate to ask a girl you have no interest in romantically on a date for Valentine's day just to be nice and make her feel special?
I've done this with unattached friends all the time. With the clear understanding "We're both unattached and I love you like my brother".
Any holiday can be lonely without someone to spend it with. So why not spend it with a friend - just be up front that's what you want. Dinner with your friend so you both don't feel so left out. While you wait for romance to come along.
If saying that would damage your relationship? Than don't do it. But otherwise? Go for it.
I've also had friends buy me flowers on the day. Same reason. Just so I didn't feel left out (I presume). Nice guys all that I'm still friends with.
I wouldn’t like that, it would feel the opposite of special. However, if I was single and someone said, I know you are single, and we are friends; would you want to go out for dinner as friends? Give her a choice, knowing you see her as a friend only.
Exactly! That's the case.
No, no, don't get her hopes up. It will only end in tears, or you both get drunk and do things you should not be doing and then she get pregnant and there will you be being so, so sorry for trying to be nice.
Well, that escalated quickly.
I don't drink. Lol. If you read many of my posts I won't have sex with anyone who has alcohol in their system.
@MrChange, @maturin1919 Oh, your funny