10 4

I've been gone for a while from the site, has there been any drama I've missed?

Sarcasm 6 Feb 20

Enjoy being online again!

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My hat blew off last week.


Admin has requested all save the drama for their momma.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 21, 2018

A few crazy gun owners, some unhappy Trump supporters, the odd miffed Republican voter, the occasional defiant agnostic, one or two New Age "It's the universe baby" announcers, and here and there a few cries for someone to marry them, but apart from that business as usual. Dirt under the carpet. You'll never find the bodies. Have a better one!


Yes...we just carried on the normal everyday drama, knowing that you would soon come 'home' and give us a hand in adding more color to the drama...we are experiencing now!


How much time you have?


If there was, I missed it. Not a drama person.


I stay far away from drama.


There was a good amount of upheaval when you disappeared. 😉


The dish ran away with the spoon.

And there was that discussion about the cow eating the cabbage and then jumping over the moon


Not sure I'd call it "drama", but there have been a few heated discussions about gun control and abortion. Those were fun.

Huh. Got a link to the abortion one?

@Blindbird The thread was started by someone else. I think the topic heading was "Is life precious?", or words to that effect.

and specially women weighting on Circumcision.

@KKGator thanks

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