For those that believe Trump is Putin's puppet. That Russia is in the White House. How are they benefiting from this?
The Pentagon runs your country and Trump dances.
The reason the link is RT is for some strange reason its not news worthy. Would have thought there would be public discourse on this direction the US is being taken by the Administration. No anti Trump sentiment here this issue.
Too busy with walls.
What is the first clue of a putin puppet troll? No Photo.
@powder ameriKKKa.
Like most people who have not lived in a culture long enough to really understand it, your are showing that you only have a marginal understanding of the USA and American culture and politics. It irks me when one seems to speak in an authoritative manner when their knowledge of the subject is so little. We are a more complex people, culture and political system than you depict.
First of all the article you link to is BS... It mentions a "Trump Doctrine." This cannot be as he has nothing resembling a doctrine and most likely can't even spell the word.
Russia is winning because Trump is dividing the nation and world as he sows the seeds of discontent. Now he is talking about pulling out of NATO? That is Russia's wet dream.
The Pentagon doesn't run the country... Stick to OZ son...
His decision to pull out of Syria and basically hand the country to Iran and Russia for one. The guy is the end result of inbred both literally and figuratively white male hegemony in the US combined with unlimited resource capitalism. Much like Brexit in the UK Trump is our drunk party morning after horror show. If we are smart we will force the republicans to either start actually governing and drop Trump when Mueller comes for him or get voted out.
Why was he hiding meeting with putin? Why did he have a German bank account that was transfered to Russia?
Trump Jr. said they have no money problems. They can get all they want from Russia. Nobody else will loan to Trump any longer.
@powder It just would not seem proper for POTUS and his family to be getting money from Russia under any circumstances. An ordinary citizen can do this in various business deals and the like, but not POTUS. It is a limitation that causes natural alarm and just might be in violation of the office.