Any members in the Gulfport Mississippi area? 2 months after arriving here I'm still in culture shock.
One of my kids' teachers has a prayer time before giving tests, & even the black people have Trump stickers & confederate flags on their cars. Well some anyway.
The grocery store clerk didn't know what tofu was when I asked him where it was, & the cashier held up a pomegranate like it was dangerous & asked me what it was called so she could ring it up.
Send help!
...sounds familiar - from Oregon to Appalachia, I’ve witnessed similar ..stuff At times it’s taken all I had to keep a neutral face.. We’re the Aliens!
I’m not near you, and have been sternly warned about ‘the deep south,’ so won’t be visiting soon… But I hear you ~
You seem to have mad a very poor choice in places to relocate to. The only advice I can give is don't get too settled in and don't unpack.
Ha, yes--I came for the guy, not the location! & I think he may be the only other atheist in the state.... We are planning on heading back to civilization when my divorce is final. Meanwhile it's a very cheap place to live.
@VictoriaNotes Yeah, the Central Valley is quite conservative & christian--Life begins at Conception billboards & all. Seems to be something that goes with agricultural communities, no idea why.
Oh, my. Good luck to you. Hope you eventually find some like minded people nearby.
Thanks-so far it's just my boyfriend, my 2 twelve year old sons & Victoria Notes!
Oh no! I am very familiar with your story....I was there myself some years ago. I'm not sure I ever did recover from the shock. My advice to you is get out! Get out while you still can! Run. ?
We felt that way staying in Harrisburg PA. Saw cellphones that made Obama into an ape. We were there 2yrs 9months and 10 days give or take. Glad I lived it always appreciate what I have.
Yes, I'm trying to look at it as a cultural experience. It certainly is for my kids. They are actually experiencing Black culture for the first time & I'm happy for that. One of my boys is one of only 2 white kids in one of his classes.