5 21

This is such a stunning photo of the King family. So much hate happened today. Let's remember something beautiful, Dr Martin Luther King Jr's legacy of strength and unity. May we feed love and never starve it to the point of nonexistence.

Charity 7 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you so much for the photo


I've wondered what American society would be like if he hadn't been murdered. I think he could have potentially had an impact in the bigger world also. He was killed by one man but it was the fear of many scared weak-minded people that made his death likely. I think we would have been much further down the path toward racial and societal unity then we are.


Just out having a nice day!


Yes. Please. There is too much hate in the world already. Love is a much more powerful emotion anyway.


Beautiful photo. Feed love, Yes, we all should.

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