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My People welcomed your people with opened arms, you ungrateful little fuck! And you have the nerve to talk about walls and borders?

SleeplessInTexas 8 Jan 20

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I reacted viscerally to the video, as I live and teach in Native America and I am very sensitive to the trials and tribulations of this community. I reacted without all the facts. In view of new facts that have come to light, I apologize for my presumptuous. There is enough blame to go around, and two wrongs do not make a right. Context is important and I failed to get the entire context.


Wow lots of trolling here. Make a fake claim, no factual backup and attack anyone that questions it. I think some people are on the wrong site!


Trajan, you're the village idiot here.

"bussiness. Irrevalant. Terorist. Appose .Purpose vs propose."

^... Proof enough that you don't care about the truth.


I have a small piece of the Berlin Wall. I could donate it? Would that help?


It would be interesting to see how much graffiti will be on our side of the wall much less the other side. Actually on the other side of the wall there will be staircases, ladders and trampolines.


Agreed. Our next flock of privileged white male fucks.

What about the criminal fucks who keep getting off without punishment.

@Trajan61 you are looking at the future group

@t1nick It will be civil war before that happens.


I like this guy Calvin.


Im very sorry but I think I’m missing something here.

Are you angry about his tweet?
I read his tweet as saying that the wall is bad and also promotes racism.
That he doesn’t support the wall at all.
I read it as a good and supportive post, but perhaps I missed something.

@darthfaja NO! I'm angry at the little white boys for disrespecting My People.

@darthfaja I agree with Mr. Calvin's opinion is why I shared.

@SleeplessInTexas ohhhhh!!!! Great!!! Those disrespectful little fucks made me so angry.

@SleeplessInTexas who are your people?


You are so brainwashed. If we don’t have secure borders this country will cease to exist!!!

I don't buy into the nonsense that @SleeplessInTexas just posted but the fact is - your nonsense isn't far behind. The majority of "illegal" immigrants don't enter this country by climbing a wall - they enter this country by overstaying their visas. Also, this country exists because of illegal immigrants - not despite them - not everyone came here through Ellis Island - learn your history.

Why would we cease to exist?
Enlighten us please.

@Trajan61 Your fear has YOU brainwashed! If you knew half the things I know, you would understand and see for yourself that the biggest terrorists are our own government leaders! I digress!

What this country has morphed into, that might not be a bad conclusion.

You may want to remember that it was an unsecure border and the kindness of The True Native Americans that allowed immigrants to settle here in the first place.
Odd that the decendants of these immigrants don’t want anyone else to come, especially since they murdered and raped the people that allowed them to stay.

@irascible they didn’t
That’s my point

@darthfaja So what do you purpose, just open up the borders and let anyone who wants to come on up?

@darthfaja That was a long time ago, irrevalant to today.

@darthfaja, @SleeplessInTexas The Democrats are definitely terorist!

That is quite the leap you made.
No I don’t propose anything. I don’t have a solution. I work in medicine so I focus my attention to things I’m trained in. I’m hoping our politicians can come up with a resolution. It’s a difficult conundrum. However, I know a wall is not the answer.

Our past is never irrelevant. It’s how we learn to move into the future. Ignore it and we will continue to make the same mistakes.

The Democrats are definitely terrorists?
Explain how you made this connection.

I’m all about discussion and conversation, but please don’t insult my intelligence. If you’re going to make outlandish claims at least have the ability to back them up with facts or logic.

So please tell me how the Democrats are terrorists.
I’m going to get some popcorn so I have something to choke on while I read your well educated response.

@darthfaja Tbe money was for border security. So you appose border security?

Once again making imaginary leaps with zero validity.

What I asked you was how are Democrats terrorists?

I posted the definition for you.

@darthfaja That’s exactly what the democrats are doing.

Oh? Interesting.
Could you give me one examples?

@darthfaja Border patrol and Homeland Security veterans who have 100's of combined years say a wall is sorely needed.....what makes you the expert? You haven't walked in their shoes and they certainly don't have an incentive to erect a useless structure. The fact is, you don't want borders, period....and that's just not going to work. Every country has a right to control who comes into the country and for how long. The incentivization is another co-culprit.

@Mikie1977 no your wrong on every count
I said I didn’t know what the answer was
This small piece of the thread here is the claim Democrats are terrorists and I simply asked for examples.
But thanks for playing

@SLBushway I graduated with a degree in history and I know it quite well but evidently you do not.

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