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Does the thought of a pansexual or bisexual partner make you uncomfortable because you think they might be at greater risk of cheating?

Kindamany 4 Jan 20

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Not even a little bit.


Nah, I’m pretty loyal and I practice safe sex.


I ask this question because I am pansexual myself and have found that dating gets a little complicated when people know that aspect of my life.

Think of it as a built in filter for narrow minded people. ?


What would make me uncomfortable is not knowing if as one and not the other I might not fully satisfy their needs. Open honest dialogue could satisfy that if there is trust.


No it would not. I think there should be open communication on the fact that it is ok. Cheating entails doing something behind someone's back vs. doing it with your partner's consent which is very different. I would be ok, would prefer to be present to share the experience but would be accepting of other arrangements if they are discussed and agreed in advance.


Prolly hypocritical and i admit that. But id be ok with bi but not pan. I just couldnt get past the penetration part

You confused me here. Please clarify.

@Kindamany i would be open to my girl being bi and being with other chicks. But not pan bc id take issue with the penetration. I realize thats prolly hypocritical but way i feel. And i know the question was about cheating, but in todays world i don't trust anybody, and view ppl that give themselves off the wall sexual orientations as more likely to find it difficult to be in a commited relationship



Orbit Level 7 Jan 20, 2019
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