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Inspirational message for the day:

bigpawbullets 9 Jan 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Love it.


Hahahaha. So true. Thanks for the laugh


Thanks. I feel better about myself now


My liver would have to be marked down 1/2 price.. ??


And on the legal market. Those harvest teams for people who give make a lot. Givers should at least get a free funeral.

If you donate your body to science, which includes organs donation and medical research, funeral homes will do a free have to ask for is not advertised

“No cost” cremation when you donate your body to science
Although most funeral homes will not mention this, it is possible to get a cremation for free. Donating a body to science for research is one way of getting a funeral cremation for no cost. The body is used for research by the medical profession, and the body is then cremated and the ashes returned to the family, with no costs incurred. The whole process takes between 4-6 weeks and a memorial service can then take place, if chosen."

@thinktwice is this us or is this available in Canada do you know?

@thinktwice I'm already signed up. And those who need to know are aware and fine with it.

@Beowulfsfriend Yes, we live in the same state...good for you...that is a wonderful thing to do...awesome...

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