It felt like -5º today in NY. It's 13º right now, but feels like 3º. The heat is on and it's still cold in here. How the hell do the people in Alaska, Siberia, and Antarctica do it?
Unseasonably mild here, day-time highs 40-50's...welcome to visit...
@MissKathleen ...yes, some best summers in the world here
reservations anytime, my dear, @MissKathleen
@MissKathleen ...give me your ETA...I will be at SeaTac to meet you
@MissKathleen 2020! I don't plan that far ahead
fyi...I am in Asia May-July2019
@MissKathleen ...not my client...only pleasure
Can I come spend the rest of winter with you MissKathleen It's only 10 degrees here
I learned how to make faces
@MissKathleen , much as I'd love to meet you, you make me laugh on here a lot, it won't be soon. To much going on at home. And at the airports.
It was 55 here today. That's cold enough for me.
No such thing as winter in coastal S Carolina
@MissKathleen 55 in Florida is called winter! lol
@MissKathleen flowers bloom in December LIVE OAKS only lose half their acorns and leaves in September then AGAIN IN APRIL "lowcountry living" is the north end of the tropics coastal sun coastal rain but never spring summer nor fall....AND NEVER winter....not that many snowbirds here down from YankeezLand long as y'all talk SOUTHERN and white there's nothing else to talk about unless a hurricane's a comin
@MissKathleen more rain than San Diego and you are correct 7 months of AUGUST humidity april-oct
@MissKathleen only 3 seasons in Charleston my eyewitness report 13 years running like tropical regions only have spring&summer always 12 hours of sun only the angle of light determines heat and rain patterns