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I sweat like Niagra Falls in the gym. The shirt I am wearing is light gray but thanks to hyperactive glands this is something that annoys me the most in the gym. What annoys ya'll in the gym?

BrokenMarrow 7 Jan 22

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when the jacuzzi is broken or closed for cleaning. when i am in the pool working out and small children come and think that out of the whole pool, under my legs is the best place to swim. when the jewish community center, where i work out, is closed due to bomb threats.

what i DO like about it:

  1. no one stares. most of them are older and fatter than i, and those who aren't are assholes.
  2. best pool in town (nicely heated too)
  3. hot and friendly young lifeguards who do not disdain the elderly
  4. wonderful locker with a shower that fits my size and condition
  5. no one minds you walking around naked no matter who you are or how you look
  6. you can take as many towels as you want
  7. the wringer for the swimsuits is a blessing
  8. upstairs there is a nice weight room that i don't use and a walking/running track i sometimes do, as well as tables and comfy chairs in the clean, wide hall (with outlets so i can charge my phone or plug in my computer), so if i need to have a meeting, i don't have to invite someone into my messy house
  9. on fridays they sell challah, with or without raisins!
  10. no tv except in the lounge and it's rarely on; i've never seen it tuned to fox
  11. they fixed the jacuzzi!



I hate when I’m doing a Body Pump class and men stand at the glass gawking at us!

I understand that. Try my best not to be around the ladies when I am working out.




I have never once been to a gym. I think they bar chubby gingers

@maturin1919 They probably do.

@maturin1919 I feel self conscious being fully dressed in a strange group of people. Being in a gym would trigger a meltdown.


Looking Good. I might have to post this in Hot Hunks or add it to your portfolio.

I don't mind at all.

@BrokenMarrow It's good motivation. I should probably do a hundred sit-ups or so.

@UrsiMajor I can help you train. Free on the weekends.

@BrokenMarrow Herndon though, right?

@UrsiMajor yes, Herndon

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