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On a dating site, this woman said she was looking for someone "genuine, who is not fake". I sent her a message saying "I can fake being genuine, fairly well." She blocked me.

david75090 7 Jan 22

Enjoy being online again!

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No humor - no loss !


You should have said "I can genuinely fake a good time". Then see what she says.


NO sense of humour!!

Bullet dodged ?

I assumed she didn't have a sense of humor. Could have been something else. A low tolerance for smart-assery. Perhaps she just didn't like my face. Or her sense of humor ran contrary to my sense of humor. Different strokes for different folks.


My ex also faked being genuine quite well.

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 23, 2019

It happens and you have to figure out who actually is, and who isn't. Things are not often as they seem. The words don't match up with the deeds. Our country is lead by someone such as that.


That's funny. Process of elimination in action.


She missed out on some pretty witty humor there!


I've seen it attributed to Jean Giraudeux (1882-1944): Lol.
"The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made."


Quite a few people on this site lack all sense of humor.

BD66 Level 8 Jan 22, 2019

It wasn't on this site. But it could've been on any dating site. People are just like that.


Well, at least you found out that she didn't have a sense of humor.


I would have sent you my number and measurements. All real.

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