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I very slightly like Trump. I disagree with much of his politics but there’s one area he scores big with me. He pisses off sjws like nothing I’ve seen before. Sjws are ruining every goddamn thing they touch so it is highly pleasing to see someone be such a thorn in their side. They deserve this. The fake liberals deserve 100% their punishment that is the Trump presidency. The universe follows cause and effect. Regressive and authoritarian tendencies from those who betrayed true liberalism is the cause and Trump is the effect. He is the mirror being held up to their faces. He is the Snape president who is part of a bigger picture that goes over the heads of intellectually lazy morons who dare to call themselves a part of the left. He is causing the elitist media and the mob rule that blindly follows to shoot themselves in the foot. It is very entertaining to watch. This is why I like him slightly. I didn’t vote for him in 2016 but if the regressives keep it up with their hypocritical bullshit, I might just vote for him in 2020.

MrControversy 7 Jan 24

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pretty sure you just did what you accuse "them" of doing...sjws=This usage implies that a person is engaging in disingenuous social justice arguments or activism to raise his or her personal reputation...not surprising but you forgot that to support an idiot racist liar you have to have similar qualities--not sure that will help your reputation here but then again you won't care...which speaks volumes

lerlo Level 8 Jan 25, 2019

Thank you, I was sputtering to hard to articulate.


Oh, you so misguided one. You don't seem to realize that the so called Social Justice Warriors are on the side on humanity and unless you are a human why would you have anything against that?


yes, those damned sjw, why in the world would we need social justice? if people wanted to be treated decently they'd have the brains to be born male, white and old, right? it's so hypocritical to say you want social justice and then actually go out and work for social justice when you could be home tweeting or trolling on some social media site. and by the way, regressive is what thinking people call what used to be called conservatives. ha, you probably think antifa is an organized group of that name who cause trouble for those poor widdle nazis and white power people. how rude is THAT?



What do you think people could do differently?


Can't stand either Trump or SJW's. They're opposite sides of the same hell minted coin. What's the difference between the car running off the left side of the road as opposed to the right side of the road? There is none. Either way, the car is in a ditch.

OK, what is a SJW? I thought he was just rambling but I guess it's a real thing?

@Carin I had to look it up. I have seen it before. According to Wiki "Social justice warrior (SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism, as well as identity politics." So slang used by people used to sexism and monoculture afraid of what will happen if we promote human rights?

@webbew1 I couldn't agree more


That's what most SJW's think they're doing in their own head, but what they're really doing is attempting to force their agenda down everybody else's throat.
Not everybody is interested in their positions on what it means to be "woke".

I especially find their attempts to homogonize the sexes annoying and dangerous to the extreme. I also find their recent infiltration in to our most beloved entertainment franchises such as Star Wars and Star Trek intensely aggrivating.

@webbew1 Now YOU are a mind reader too?!?????. Seriously, I can’t even with people like you and your willful ignorance and annoying whining.
It does not surprise me that you are applying suck to trump and the deplorables.

@webbew1, @Biptu Socialism is an economic system while communism is both an economic and political system. ... Socialists can own personal properties while communists can not. Socialism allows capitalism to exist in its midst while communism seeks to get rid of capitalism.

Credible sources on the ‘stealing’ you mentioned? Oh wait. Are you Libertarian? If so, I’m laughing as ???.


Who needs to be a mind reader when actions speak louder than words?

Let me give just one example since I need to leave for work soon....

I mentioned the most recent infiltration of the SJW agenda in to some of our longest standing and most beloved entertainment franchises. When you watch the newest installments to these franchises, you will notice that all of the male characters have been turned in to either cowardly buffoons or evil maniacs while the female characters have all been turned in to cardboard cut out Mary Sue's whose sole purpose for existing is to perpetuate SJW propaganda.

Let's take, for example, the character of Princess Leia from the early Star Wars films. Princess Leia was a genuinely strong female character and a good role model to both men and women in the real world. Princess Leia wasn't a strong personality because she was a woman. She was a strong personality just because she was.

Fast forward to the newest installments of the franchise where one of it's strongest and most beloved characters, Luke Skywalker, has been turned into a sniveling coward who has turned his back on his friends and everything that he believes in. Meanwhile, the hero of the story, Rey, is a Mary Sue who has to come in and "rescue" Luke Skywalker from his own weak disposition.

This is not perpetuating the idea of a world where both men and women work together on equal footing, utilizing each others strengths and shoreing up each others weaknesses, in order to make the world a better place. It is perpetuating the SJW agenda of creating a homogonized society by breaking down the male component while attaching characteristics to the female component which are impractical and unrealistic.

When it comes to equal opportunity and pay in the work place and fair treatment under the law, I'm fully on board with the original feminist ideals. But when it comes to the current SJW agenda where I am supposed to be ashamed of being male and all of the characteristics which come with the package, then that's where I get off the train.

The SJW agenda will ultimately fail because not everybody always marches to the beat of the same drum in this world and they never will. I have nothing against those who wish to live a homogonized existence. More power to them, just so long as they keep their agenda to themselves and out of my life and the lives of the people who wish to live as I do.

@webbew1 Aaaand, I stopped reading at ‘Mary Sue’. ?
You certainly have the right and freedom to your opinion. I disagree with you, but as long as folks like you don’t force your agenda on me, whatever.

@webbew1 No feminist thinks you should be ashamed of being male, they just want men to become aware of & refrain from certain attitudes or behaviors that are harmful to others. When you say "characteristics" it implies things that are not really choices. Feminists have issues with men choosing to tell women what they think of their bodies, feeling entitled to women's bodies, & for that matter feeling entitled to just about anything they want just because they are male. You can go ahead & be as manly as you want, just don't bother other people. Kind of like your last paragraph there.

@webbew1 By the way, men are still running all the entertainment franchises (unless I missed some big news) so the story lines & characters that you find so offensive were almost certainly written by men &/or passed approval of various men--so don't blame women, especially feminists or "SJWs." If you look at entertainment in general you'll see it's still very male dominated. Most main characters are still male & I bet they still are Star Wars, but the original shows were obviously made for a more male audience & didn't do a thing for me, that I never watched any off their other stuff.


Kathleen Kennedy was the Executive Producer for the latest Star Wars film. It was directed by Rian Johnson. So the blame for the not so subtly disguised propaganda machine entitled The Last Jedi can be evenly distributed amongst SJW's of both sexes.

And all the things you mentioned apply to women as well. I don't exactly see the Jennifer Aniston's of the world dating the Urkle's of the world, so until that day arrives neither sex gets to claim the high road when it comes to judging people for their bodies or feeling entitled.

@webbew1 I have no idea if Rian is male or female, but I doubt he or she has the last say on anything. They wouldn't sacrifice profits to push some sort of agenda. Your claims border on "conspiracy theory" as I see it.

I've never heard of "Urkle" & I have little to no interest in celebrities, pop culture or entertainment, so I'm going to leave this conversation.

@webbew1 If you are feeling uneasy about being a man, it's a personal problem. Grow a beard, lift weights, do whatever it might be makes you feel more confident & secure about yourself. Or just forget about the whole idea & develop yourself as a person. You seem kind of hyperfocused on what other people are thinking.


  1. Rian Johnson is male. Kathleen Kennedy is his boss.
  2. Urkle was an extremely nerdy character from the 80's sit-com, Family Matters
  3. There is this magic thing called the Google Machine in which you can look all of this stuff up on your own in a matter of seconds.
  4. Not sure what my personal grooming choices or preferred work out regimen has to do with the topic of discussion, but... ok???

hahahahahahaha another copy and paster. But WTF is sjws? Single Jewish White S......?

@Shouldbefishing That sounds like a good thing to be.

That was my first thought too..


I think you give the sjw too much credit. To say they caused Trump is to acknowledge their influence to move half the country, one way or another.

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