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TLC: Remember when our program line-up WASN'T a complete fucking train wreck catering to the lowest common denominator? Neither do we.

StoneSerenity 5 Jan 24

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I know, β€œThe Learning Channel.” What a joke. It’s all families with 10 kids. 😟


Hard to believe that was once an abbreviation for β€œThe Learning Channel.”


I got rid of cable years ago. Too much money for all that crap! The only channel I really miss is Turner Classic Movies. I do miss those great old movies.

Della Level 6 Jan 24, 2019

I remember when paying for satillite tv ment no commercial breaks so I do recall a brief time when The Learning Channel wasn't entirely crap programs.


Those were better days back then...


Another way the market doesn't "sort everything out" as we are continually told. The value in "The Learning Channel" or "The History Channel" would ostensibly be in the learning and the history. But those things didn't make enough money, so we have "Ancient Aliens" and "Pickers" and "Pawn Stars" and "My 600 lb Life".

That's capitalism for you...


None of those channels offer up much worthwhile anymore...

I haven't had TV in a few months & mostly don't miss it. Unless I'm so dead tired I can't even hold a book up to read it. So then I just go to bed, which is better anyway.

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