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Here is a legal immigrant one knee injury away from deportation and most likely death.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Jan 25

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I don't know specifics for athletes but in general, if you are a legal immigrant with a working visa then you are restricted to work only for the employeer (sponsor) while the visa is good. If you can't work then it's up to the employeer if they need/want to keep you. Most importantly, you know ahead of time that's what you are gambling on and you must follow up every step of the way to make sure you will get a green card the sooner possible.


I missed the whole 'knee injury' part, when did he express that fear? I doubt the team owner would fire him with all the money he's getting paid. Orthopedic Surgeons can do amazing things these days..

Just a what if. He is here to work. Has to wait to 2021 to be able to stay without working. Currently he is healthy

@Beowulfsfriend I guess my point is that a knee injury doesn't mean deportation and possible death. Perhaps you're trying to make a political statement about immigration based on a false premise? ?

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