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Here's Why I'm NOT a Libertarian - Rationality Rules

The Religion Of Libertarianism - Newsbroke

phxbillcee 10 Jan 26

Enjoy being online again!

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There are a lot in this town.

What I’ve noticed in town.. are two basic elements: Atheist/ Agnostics who’ve ‘had it’ with religion -- and those who seem to have ‘had it’ with everything… Oil and Water..

A/ Ag’s would ‘fit in’ if allowed, we’re quite personable 🙂 The rest appear antisocial 😈 Them’s fightin words no doubt, and Atheist/ Agnostics have learned how to fight … but that’s not why we’re here ~


Well that was interesting. I've heard of Libertarians but never had enough interest to explore further. The videos above (20 minutes) gave me enough rational info to understand why hard core Libertarianism is too radical to even be fully functional. Thanks!


Couldn’t take much of the video.. It’s a withering concept, a recently fabricated party for one time Republicans purged by their radical religious element..

Though not a viable political party, yet a concept I’d personally considered, it’s adherents make up many of what’s become (in the US) ‘Independants.’ Those with no party.. All we can hope is that they side with sanity.

Perhaps too hopeful... but as they age, begin to understand the reasoning behind social institutions, feel less invincible, even join our imperfect and constantly evolving society, they’ll do what’s best ~

Varn Level 8 Jan 26, 2019

Wasn't it the Koch brothers Dad that founded the Birch Society, which in turn started this?

@Hathacat I wouldn’t be surprised.. Honestly, having had my taste of it, and my curiosity quickly satisfied, I’m not sure where it came from … but do feel it’s an offshoot of the Republican Party, before ‘the purge.’ But if those koch (actually rhymes with crotch) brothers have anything to do with it.. No thanks ~

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