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So true too often

1000runner 7 Jan 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Not a good sign.

Carin Level 8 Jan 27, 2019

Lol. Sometimes this is not fundamentally an issue of someone not listening, but of someone prattling a bit too much. I wish spouses of both genders did not so often think they have a license to expect their partner to give keen attention to their whole stream of consciousness on an ad hoc basis basically forever, particularly if it's repetitive and has been heard a dozen (or more) times before.

I learned a long time ago that my wife has no desire to hear about philosophical things very often, and never about religious matters, so I quit trying to talk to her about it. I was not offended; it is just not her "thing" (or, quite often, it just seems so self-evident to her that she wonders what there is to talk about). It's one of the reasons I'm here so much ... it's an outlet for an interest we don't share. And we don't have to be joined at the hip about everything. She wasn't interested in some of my avocations, so I either don't discuss them with her or just quit bothering with them. She simply doesn't understand some of my thought process so I don't burden her with those, either. I don't have some kind of "right" to always be fully understood. It's nice when you can get it, but unrealistic to demand it in all things.

I can't honestly say she feels the same way about everything she feels the need to talk to me about. A lot of this is because she's a very anxious person who obsesses internally on stuff and so doesn't recognize how repetitive she is externally. My attitude is why talk about that which isn't actionable. Her attitude is why not. Never the twain shall meet. So yeah, once in awhile, there's an exchange not unlike the above meme.

Fortunately for us, my wife is just self-aware enough to recognize that I am pretty indulgent of her, even if she's not fully aware how extremely repetitive and -- okay, I'll say it -- boring a lot of what she wants to "talk" to me about is. She has actually thanked me for my "endless patience". But I doubt she gets as much as she really wants, either.


You are starting to yhink just like your kids. A sign of a young brain.

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