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Why would anybody vote for the looney democrats??

Trajan61 8 Jan 26

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What an idiotic post. Not even worth debating.

Carin Level 8 Jan 27, 2019

Because they're not quite as crazy as the Republicans?


Lets see the Republican agenda:

Reward the wealthy
Decimate the environment
Bully everyone who disagrees with you
Force some sort of Christian religion on everyone
Fill the jails
Put Blacks and women in their proper place (repeal lynchings and rape)
Shield pedophiles
Destroy honest journalism

I could go on ad nauseum


Democrat = Republican = Plutocratic, corporatist, capitalist, imperialistic war-for-profit-loving criminals.

THHA Level 7 Jan 26, 2019

I just covered this meme.

  1. Yes.
  2. Only for the poor.
  3. Wall is dumb, and will not work.
  4. Trump promised not to restrict gun control, bans bump stocks.
  5. Banned from Parliament, pissed of Canada, Australia, Mexico and others.

I believe trump has committed a number of impeachable offenses, but, Dems seem to be willing to let Mr Mueller do his job. Marginal tax rates like it was when America was great. The richest will still remain the richest. Common sense national security. A path to citizenship that isnt almost impossible & very expensive to obtain. Background checks are sensible. Again, common sense. #5 I guess depends on what you consider weak. I don't see humanity & compassion as weak.

Della Level 6 Jan 26, 2019
  1. So you are so very happy with the Orange Marmalade and so proud of him in whatever he does. You must agree with him grabbing your mothers p...y when he can.
  2. Would be great for big business to pay tax at all yet alone have it raised.
  3. If you don't want imigrants/refugees don't go and meddle in their countries in the first place.
  4. I wonder how you will feel when your daughter/son/mother/father or friend is killed by some white crazy America, because yes that is what they are the angry men with guns, not terrorists but white ment with guns.
  5. America is already weak. They have debts up to their ears and some.

If it wasn’t for America you Aussie’s would probably be speaking Japanese today.

@Trajan61 You twatt. What exactly did American's do for us Aussies? The US didn't join the second world war until Pearl Harbour and that did not happen until December 1941 and the war ended in 1945. You need to educate yourself you right wing twatt.

He's a troll. Engage him and you will feed his hunger.

@Jolanta The Americans defeated the Japanese and prevented them from conquering Australia that’s what they did.

@Trajan61 This sad woman would be happy if anyone would grab ....... OH NEVER MIND.... MR ORANGE MARMALADE TOLD ME TO BE NICE TO PEOPLE LIKE THIS...
''f you don't want imigrants/refugees don't go and meddle in their countries in the first place.''This is this woman's way of dealing with illegal immigrants...what else needs to be said... she has lost what ever she had for a mind long ago.

@Captain_Feelgood Mr Orange Marmalade would only say that if there were money involved and that money was going into his pockets, you pillock. Unless you are a Native Indian you too are just an immigrant.

@Captain_Feelgood Seeing as how she’s Australian I’ve often wondered why she seems to be so concerned with American politics. I think she just gets a kick out of tormenting us conservatives.

@Trajan61 Yeah, at least she thinks it bothers me. I have gotten to the point that I do not pay attention to her really, except for a chuckle. She obviously doesn't know what the definition of "immigrant" is. ?

@Captain_Feelgood Yes you have it exactly right as she obviously likes to troll but if you pay her no heed she’s harmless. ???????

@Trajan61 Oh, how so very uneducated you are. You obviously do not know much about how US politics affect the rest of the world.

@Trajan61, @Captain_Feelgood Seems to me that is not the case. You love me to say something and yes you do pay attention. Oh you old immigrant, you.

  1. No problem with that.
  2. In 1954, under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 75%. If we adjust for inflation, that would apply to couples making over $465,000. That year, the Dow returned to its 1929 high. The next year, GDP growth was 7.1%. What was your problem again?
  3. If by "shield" you mean "use the legal process that has been in place since the Reagan administration", then this makes sense. In the sense you probably mean, though, it's just ridiculous.
  4. Define what's being proposed. Don't just use the words "gun control" like they're the bogeyman.
  5. Ha ha ha haaaa..... No...

This is not the Democrat principles...the above caption is slanted to provoke discord! I have voted for a particular person, most of my life! But, from here on out...i want vote Republican ever again! There is a certain mind set among Republicans that does not promote a healthy social order and that is necessary for good government!


I'm thinking the troll is a follower.

I say he has chosen his path, let him have at it! But, don’t contaminate the people that he passes on his way down!

@Pbpierson2 Oh no. Not mine. That's the icon of republican worship. I know you recognize it.

@Freedompath "Once you start down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will!"

@Pbpierson2 I know you recognize the tiny penis.

@greyeyed123 yep!

@Pbpierson2 Aren't you so cute. Troll.

@Wildflower I would wager...that he isn’t cute at all! Trolls are always twisted...

@Pbpierson2 I just don't recognize sarcasm.

@Pbpierson2, actually, I think you are mean.



Orbit Level 7 Jan 26, 2019

This could be the only thing that flotes his boat! Sad!



@irascible Good for you.


Naw. Number one on our agenda is to teach grammar to Republicanics so they know it is the DEMOCRATIC agenda.

Naw. Number one on the main agenda is to teach Democrats about colloquialism... like 'NAW' ,, so they know when to step aside and show how not to come across as a jerk... But good luck with that one... ??

@Captain_Feelgood Ellipses that end sentences require four periods. Ellipses within sentences do not include spaces on either end. "Main" is redundant when it is the number one item on the agenda. Responding to passive-aggressive straw manning with a lighthearted joke is hardly coming across as a jerk. Besides, Trump doesn't need the Democrats help in impeachment. He's doing a bang-up job getting himself impeached.

@greyeyed123 So sorry.... my bad.... l didn't put four dots... bwaaahahahaha... And you wonder why people say you guys are narcissistic egomaniacs... I guess 'Grammar Nazi" wasn't good enough for yah... no problem... cheers... have a good life... ta ta fer now... cheerio... ????

@Captain_Feelgood Now people will think you are a jerk for using so many colloquialisms. Too bad.


Why would you vote for any politician lmao. So many types of people, educated or not still don't understand there is no side and it's a game. View politics as the WWE. It's an act. You're fucked either way.

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