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I started a gofundme account to begin a History Chapel in Ft. Worth, Tx as a Sunday morning alternative to religious programming. Any topic of history could be presented each week. What if....there were such chapels in every large city (or small) where, every week a new or continued topic could be presented at the "church hour".....say 10:30! The fund would be for leasing arrangements. Opinions, comments are welcomed.

WilHasty 1 Jan 27

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I don't care what is presented; I wouldn't go. Even when I was religious I didn't attend, and I certainly won't attend a service now that I'm an atheist. Yes I know, it's a "history chapel". It's still a church service.

Personally, I don't understand some atheists wanting a substitute for religious services.


There are way too many religious nutters in the US for that. They are not very good at debate or discussion but very good at shooting.

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