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As an Englishman I'm trying to decide which of the two of us is most screwed. The UK over Brexit or the US over just about anything else. I believe the UK was mainly over xenophobia and the US over gullibility.
Still as some one pointed out, you have the trump card.

Paperback2001 3 Jan 28

Enjoy being online again!

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In a similar situation, I have an interest but not an input in both (really need to talk with someone about this whole taxation without representation thing).
I think in both elections there was a failure to consider what they were voting FOR. It was easy to leap on to the "not" bandwagon and ignore the potential consequences. There were many reasons for this, including misrepresentation by the interested parties and a desire on the part of a number of voters to make a point to the establishment. The victors in both promised over simplified solutions to complex issues and used a fast-moving (and largely untrue) narrative to keep the establishment on the back foot.

To answer the original question, I am not sure. The republic is showing considerable resilience with a clawback taking place at state and congressional levels. The UK is bending and may be suffering for its relatively informal though complex constitution.
I have hope for both.


I'm trying to describe this megafucktangle of Brexit and the potential of a successful Scottish independence referendum and how Brexit will fuel it.... I have to save Trump for next year... Politics. The question was set up about two years ago, but the SQA never thought that this close to Brexshit we still do not know what it is yet.


Although I feel as if we have gone backwards in so many things, at least more people seem to be more involved in politics and what is happening in the USA. We can fix this and get back on track much quicker once the old cronies and outdated thinkers die or get voted out.

Brexit is so much more complex and will impact the UK and other European nations as will be much harder to untangle and fix.

A person will come and go...policies stick around for quite a while and the trickling effect will reach out far wider than what an incompetent person will.


Trump will be gone some day. What about Brexit?


I think I'll just agree with you, we're screwed, basically by people who are told what to do instead of learning what needs to be done and actually trying to accomplish it.


Patriotism,nationalism,populism,tribalism too many isms.

A similar route brought about the rise of fascism during the 1920-30s


Well, it does not matter how screwed we feel. We do not matter. Unless you want to join your fellow Brits on the barricades to protest, I doubt anything will change. And over here, gullibility is one thing, apathy, laziness and rascisim rule the day. I am waiting for staged terrorist attacks to increase the paranoia and justify despiccable actions and legislations. And as Surfpirate saud: floow the money!


I think that we in the UK are most fucked as 45 will go at one point but we will still be living with the fallout from brexit for generations to come. It may not be the instant mass exodus of business that remainers predicted but a gradual seepage of firms, students and talented individuals either relocating or not bothering to come here in the first place

That was my thought too. The damage from Brexit will be more long lasting. At least we will have the opportunity to put Trump out of office in two years and work on repairing the damage. As your Winston Churchill once said " Americans will eventually do the right thing after exhausting all other options first".


I thought this might fit


They have something in common, I think. Or two things - nationalism and immigration. The nationalism shows itself as isolationist. These times are a real education for people who thought politicians were clever people.


The US over its $21,700,0000,000,000 debt and its idiot Fed Chairman who keeps raising rates.

BD66 Level 8 Jan 28, 2019

And you guys still have health care


As the saying goes 'Follow the Money' because someone has to be making some serious money out of these two, slow motion trainwrecks.


That's what Brexit is about? Thank you. Now I get it.

Unfortunately in a democracy we sink to the lowest common denominator. Both countries should be investing more in their education systems.

@Paperback2001 If only the UK & USA had democracy.... both use the first past the post system, which in macro politics is not democratic.

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