Trump backs "Bible literacy" classes
It’s hard to believe that idiot has ever been in a church, let alone open a bible. We know he can’t read or spell.
This sentence should worry everyone who supports the separation of church and state: "Starting to make a turn back?" It worries me since I don't know exactly what DT is turning this nation 'back" into. I attended public school my entire life and never had compulsory Bible study...or even a choice to have Bible study. I wonder if these Christians understand what they're asking for. (I'm sure DT doesn't understand what he's suggesting). A true dissection of biblical scripture? A cherry-picking of only the 'good stuff'? An open debate about the literal meaning of "god's word"? Who gets to teach this class material...I hope it's going to be from an anthropological view point: The myths and legends of the Christian Faith. Like Greek and Roman gods...and Norse gods...etc etc. How in the world is it relevant anymore to the county's classrooms? I just don't get it. If evangelicals want secular schools to have Bible Classes, they better be ready for a lot of pushback from a lot of parents and teachers and the public. And lawyers......