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I enjoy helping others, giving, and listening. I take care of myself. I have lots of energy.
Curious as to why my generous nature is often perceived as a weakness or indicative of low self-esteem. It isn't.

authentica 5 Jan 28

Enjoy being online again!

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You are doing it out of the strength of your convictions and the goodness of your heart. Why should you care about others' opinions?

Because being judged makes me question myself.

@authentica Hang in therte. As you grow older and see the cold, hard truth in people's behavior, you will grow a thicker skin. not because you become callous, but because the good vibes of your actions accumulate like a protective layer all around you. Call it karma, if you want to.


I am sure you are a happy individual. Pity that there are no more people like you. I salute you.


Agreed. A generous nature is a sign of strength. Trumpanzees don't see it that way because their orange messiah has never been generous. You are living in Georgia and likely surrounded by trumpanzees. Walk softly, don't make eye contact and always carry a bunch of bananas on hand just in case.

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