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Arizona lawmaker: All ingredients, side effects must be disclosed before any vaccine


Slava3 7 Jan 28

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More specific than pdr NOW


Ingredients for human vaccines are available in a list on a govt site of the internet already:


Safety concerns discovered during development have to be on the label per FDA and US law. Ask your doc or pharmacist for a copy of the label.

Zster Level 8 Jan 29, 2019

@TheMiddleWay Sounds like he's showing HIS ignorance and lack of work on the topic.


Federal law already mandates that you get that information. I'm not sure if it has the ingredients on it though.

As for adverse effects, it is impossible to list all because not everyone experiences it. My brother for example had such severe reaction to the tetanus vaccine that he had to get small bits injected under his skin every week for six weeks.



And from WHERE are those ingredients sourced, what country...
Also I'd like to know what the difference is between a vax from previous decades to what's been going on the last 20 years. That shit needs to be broken down, but I've a feeling the pharmaceuticals will throw a massive shit fit.

This guy better watch his office for questioning the status quo.


People have a right to know. The problem comes with Ignorance. Too many won’t understand either the importance of the vaccine or the reason/purpose for ingredients in a vaccine.

I wrote that same thing out in a whole long-ass post, then looked at it, deleted it, and simplified it below. "That's just nuts."

Even IF the ingredients and possible side-effects were listed, most people wouldn't understand them, nor would they research them to educate themselves. They'd listen to some loud talking head and take whatever they said as gospel.
Just like they did with that moron Jenny McCarthy, which is what helped make this an issue in the first place. The "study" that she cited was determined to be false, and people are STILL citing it.
Anti-vaxxers are responsible for the re-emergence of diseases which were thought to have been eradicated.

There is currently a measles outbreak in Washington state, which has prompted the governor there to declare a state emergency.

Parents do NOT have the "right" to put their children, and other people, at risk with their stupidity. They don't have the right to deny their children medical treatment because of their religious beliefs, and they don't get to deny their children vaccines because of what they "believe" are "possibilities of later harm" based on pseudo-science.
Pass THAT bill.


That's just nuts.

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