While at work yesterday, a customer commented on my fast pace, and how I'm always on the move. She then said something that was pretty profound: sitting is the new smoking.
I'm glad I don't have cable, or play video games.
When I was working as a local transit bus driver I often had eight hour shits with my only opportunity to stand an occasional run to the bathroom. When I got home, most of my time was spent at my desk doing stuff on the computer or watching TV. Now that I’ Retired and have a dog I actually walk far more than I did the 42 years I was working.
In my little town we have about dozen walkers who are all pasted 80 some with dogs and pushing strollers. 95 yr old neighbor still uses hatchet to kindling and that's my goal!!
This is half my problem. With my job I have to get up and move every so often just to not be a rock. I work from home sometimes, and a few months ago when work was heavy I looked up and realized I hadn't left the house in three fucking days.
I don't think there's anything wrong with playing video games (paying for cable is another story) but certainly moving is a motivator and as more and more jobs go digital (and therefore sedentary) it's only going to grow as a problem.
Getting those 10K steps a day, getting that workout in, is a bit more difficult when you have to consciously make yourself do all of it, and none of it is just part of your day.