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I joined this group New Year's Day and made level five today! Do I get some kind of prize? Maybe a tiny shot of grape juice and a cracker?

mooredolezal 7 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Nah, nuffin' except some satisfaction 🙂

Are you sure? I Ain't Got No Satisfaction


On your profile, look for the heading, "Level." Click on your underlined number of points.

This will take you to the Member Levels page, explaining the perks of each level. On Level 5:

"Congrats on reaching Level 5! The level 5 perk is that your posts will now go live immediately instead of go to review first. This way, the site can feel more dynamic. We (and other members) really appreciate your involvement in the community. Feel free to post here and we'll read it too."

LOL I didn't know my posts were getting reviewed! I'm glad I passed! Thank you for the info. Kathleen. PS I tried to keep my name calling to a minimum. It's hard to control myself with some of the unsourced Trump supporter posts, but I didn't get too nasty obviously. Plus I found out how to block people so I am sure that will not be a problem in the future.


You are welcome.



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