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From all the posts this morning, I take it that everyone is freezing their patooties off. Motherly advice: remember to drink extra water and stay hydrated. <3

Elusia8 6 Jan 31

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Deb57 Level 8 Jan 31, 2019

Of course the trick is to drink the water in the three seconds BEFORE it has time to freeze. 😉


-23 in southern Minnesota. I’ll drink some water after a few cups of hot coffee. I think I’ll skip ice in my water today though.

I’m hoping my Uber shows up this morning since my car wouldn’t start yesterday afternoon when it warmed up to -15

Look into having an engine block heater installed in your car. If you can run a power cord to it, your car is almost assured of starting. I have mine on a timer (saves electricity)...goes on at six A.M. off at noon...retired, it I don't go anywhere before noon, I am not likely to go anywhere that day. An engine block heater will enable your car to start with much less stress on the starter and engine. Dip stick heaters are not all that efficient or effective.

@dahermit oh I have one. But I live in an apartment. There are actually outlets in the assigned spots, which I have, however there isn’t power running to them. Definitely something I will be looking for at my next place

@dahermit my car started last year in -15 weather but apparently -25 is too cold lol

@Marcie1974 Just out of curiosity, why have you not consulted with the landlord as to why no power to the parking space outlet?

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