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The estimate number of people that the PEW report states could exist on the planet if all the people adopt the western culture method of eating is------- 2,000,000,000 that is correct two BILLION. As all these countries improve their living standards what are we going to do with the excess people?

Marine 8 Jan 31

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Paint them brown and send them to the border where Trump's men will put them in cages.


The human race will most likely follow the natural order of things. Like a plague locusts our population will balloon, we'll consume all of the resources that sustain us then our population will collapse.........


Soylent Green.


The real crisis is that another PEW report shows that religion is aligning with politics in more and more places and they predict that atheists and agnostics will loose at least 3% of their followers by 2050. In addition as these religious combinations occur there will be more rules against abortions and contraception. The pew report states that the use of these latter two things have prevented the birth of perhaps five billion people to date. If we had not used these techniques the world would not be able to support al;l these people. We must present these facts to our elected officals and ask them to relax the use of abortion and contraceptives world wide today.

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