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I find the use of the word "progressive"as the ultra left political position to be outrageous and a very mistaken description of the word. To me it means to seek new and better ways to do everything especially regulations and laws.

Marine 8 Feb 2

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I think of progressive(going forward)!as the opposite to regressive(going backward)


The republicans are quick to eliminate laws and regulations that were meant to address something that was seen as a problem. To go in and just eliminate these is wasteful and an immature way of doing things. A progressive way would be to see if the problem still exists,needs to be improved upon or eliminated. In addition, if there is something that needs to be addressed, a progressive approach would be to present a new law or regulation for review and or compromise but to take some kind of action to resolve the matter. Using this method Congress could once again be useful and get out of the political bind that has been separating the two parties for so long.

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