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Being weird sometime is less stress?

Boomtarat03 9 Feb 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Sometimes.....oops.....I better reign it in then!?


The point is, you see," said Ford, "that there is no point in driving yourself mad trying to stop yourself going mad. You might just as well give in and save your sanity for later.

Douglas Adams.


Seems legit. lol


If you want to truly join the weirdness train, join us for this sumner's GISH!
it's awesome and all about accepting the weird ❤

Remi Level 7 Feb 3, 2019

@erlie03 yes, that's the one. It's an amazing scavenger hunt/adventure/craziness/charity/awesomeness
It's a week long in summer and so much fun!

@erlie03 lame, it looks like they don't have anything up yet for this year. Keep checking though, it's really fun. Its put on by Misha Collins

@erlie03 that's ok, it's a worldwide hunt. People from all over the world participate. You take pictures and videos and submit them online. I had people from several US states and England on my team. It will be easier to understand when they get their website updated.


The key to a less stressful life is letting go of things.

@erlie03 work, life, much the same... if you are getting pressured at work it is because there are things you are clinging to, real or imagined. If you can find those things and let go of them, the pressure will vanish and you’ll be able to live in a relaxed fashion.

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