Okay, so there ain't no God. No old man with gray hair sitting in a chair in the sky. So who's running the game? Who started the game? And most importantly, why are we here? The size of just our galaxy gets me, and quantum physics too!! We are inside this thing whether you like it or not. But it is awful big!!! Then the other question is, is it okay to be a murderer and/or rapist? Just be a psychopath, it doesn't matter? Is there a right and wrong to the Universe. Any feedback please. It's just the same questions that have been going on since the beginning.
what makes you think there has to be someone running things? what makes you think there has to be a reason why we're here? okay with WHOM is it okay to be a murderer and/or a rapist? do you REALLY think that if there is no big punisher in the sky, it's okay to hurt people? what a ridiculous and disgusting idea THAT is. you must think human beings have no inner resources and only behave well, if they do, because of some god or other (and look how well THAT proves out -- ever see the stats on who's in prison? those murderers and rapists are mostly christians!) no, there is no right or wrong to the universe, but there is right and wrong to humanity, and you'd have to be blind not to see it.
Who's running the game/starting the game? We did, to the extent that any "who" can be behind it. "Why are we here?" Assumes that there was a conscious decision to be here that was made. We have no evidence for this so far so it would be foolish to assume that "why" is a valid question, other than tracing the cause and effect back to the big bang.
Now your next set of questions concerns me. Why would the absence of a creator/threat of eternal punishment/promise of eternal reward lead anyone to believe that theres no right or wrong? The christians who assume itd be ok to rape n murder all you want without jesus are belying their lack of moral compass.
If you do feel chemically embalanced and incapable of inherent empathy/sociopathic, then the golden rule is a good one to judge by. It wasnt invented by christianity and most every popular religion has its own version of it. Religion and gods are not necessary to tell right from wrong and Im very worried by anyone who can't seem to tell up from down without having it spelled out by an ancient cult.
Yes, there are a lot of moral wrongs that aren't covered by religion, so that a lot of what is wrong in the world is OK by believers, as they are not sins. Yet, those of us who don't need a god, find these wrongs abhorrent. So the argument that atheists are free to murder etc. is, if anything, the absolute reverse.
Why are we here?
Reminded me of a quote by Douglas Adams about a puddle :-
“This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for.”
Ref rapists and murderers
'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'
It's a christian quote, but, still valid as a rational human being.
the "christian quote[sic]" is sort of a summarization of leviticus in one sentence. it is not originally a christian idea; it is a jewish one. the summarization, admittedly, is in the christian bible. the character of jesus, whether fictional or real, was jewish, and much of what he taught is actually paraphrasing (or even exact quoting) of jewish teachings,
@genessa I don't want to get into semantics, but, it is a quote that is often used by christians and made popular in the NT. I suspect it's origins had nothing to do with any religion, more likely it was a code of conduct formed in early civilisation and usurped by religions in the usual way that religions often do.
Your presupposition that someone or something had to start things and run things is a problem from the start. It is uneccessary considering we are all here and there is no evidence of such a being. What is wrong with the earth having life and finding meaning in day to day living? I have no need for anything more to enjoy life, be a good person and treat others in a way that is an acceptable part of being a social species. Right and wrong are determined by what we all agree is right and wrong. Some people fall outside these norms and society deals with them. No need for an outside force for any of this to work.
In the Beginning, there was DOG. And DOG created the Heavens and the Earth. And he saw that it was Good!
And Dog is a Good Dog.
@greyeyed123 I was poking fun at my occasional dyslexia. But actually, it is quite fun reading passages from the 'doog book', and replacing 'God' with 'Dog', as you read along!
Religious folks have to go back to the dude who said the elements numbered four, and included earth, air, fire, and water, in order to make an argument about their god existing in reality.
Aristotle thought that time and space were both absolute. Under those assumptions, it is reasonable to conclude something outside of absolute time caused it. Aristotle called that the unmoved mover, the prime mover, or the uncaused cause.
But space and time are relative.
You can't claim an "infinite regress problem" and then immediately solve it with an "infinite, eternal god".
And claiming "things that begin to exist have a cause" is exactly the same as saying "my god is eternal and timeless and infinite and created everything so THERE!" It's not an argument. It's a claim phrased as an argument.
We seem to know one thing. We are here, and things exist. I don't see it as an extraordinary hypothesis to think that space-time sprang from another flavor of existence (via quantum mechanics or what-have-you). It is no more extraordinary than claiming the north pole isn't an infinite regress, but a natural consequence of the two dimensional surface of the earth existing in three dimensional space. Likewise, asserting space-time must be "caused" per se is jumping scopes completely. The only problem I see is in our conception of things.
Wait a minute! You don't believe that at the stoning of Stephen he saw the sky open up and Jesus was sitting in a chair seated at the right hand of his daddy who was also sitting in a chair? Shame on you. That's when all the church people start shouting "oh, praise god." It's also proof that you can have visions when you are dying and proof of chairs in heaven.
For only four small payments of $89.99 I will send you a copy of my tell-all book, "Confessions of an Absent Father" that explains in incontrovertible detail how I am actually God, but fell in love with a girl named Becky who convinced me to give it all up. I set her bush on fire if you know what I'm sayin'.
There is no god... It's actually a giant bunny rabbit running the game... And he's coocoo...
good answer...
Wow, yet another new hypothesis thrown out as to how it all works, and it is just a acceptable as all the others.
He's actually a vampire bunny. I had a revelation and you cannot question it.
"who's running the game?" is a loaded question.You are already assuming that there is something that is "running the game". The same with the other questions. If I ask "when did you stop beating your wife?" you obviously wouldn't agree that a yes/no answer was sufficient, right? So look into what assumptions you make when you ask questions.
It is not okay to be a murderer or a rapist because you are creating harm in the world. And people don't like harm, so they put people like this in jail to avoid them from doing more harm. We evolved to be this way and that is the reality you have to deal with. Your actions have consequences even if you don't see a reason to call them wrong in an objective sense.
there has to "something" that created this place, it started as a thought....or whatever...."the Big Bang"......I mean there is a lot stuff going on out there with the billions of stars..... I mean the Universe is huge....the "startup"......I mean in terms of physics it is just hard to believe, I don't even understand how gravity works and this solar system has been going for billions or years....to me it is overwhelming. And the human body, it's all so unbelievable.... you don't even have to think about the "purpose".......so there isn't any purpose. BUT the other stuff is still going on....we are just little fleas on a big dog...
@FlyingEagle1952 “The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
@FlyingEagle1952 there has to be something that created this place? nope. wrong. there doesn't have to be, just because you think there has to be. the universe is what it is. no one has actually seen any evidence whatsoever of a creator. so no, there doesn't have to be something that created this place.
@FlyingEagle1952 You want to explain something complex (the universe) with something equally or more complex. But not only is there no evidence of such a creator you also are just back at the start again, because you might as well continue to ask questions like 'who created the creator?' and 'who created the creator of the creator' and so on all with the same faulty justification that there "has to be something". Well, maybe there isn't. Maybe complexity arose out of simple interactions of energies and matter and at the beginning there was just simplicity. It could also be that there was no beginning at all. That before the big bag the universe was just different. The possibilities are endless.