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When you left your faith did you continue to seek another truth?

GeorgeChud 3 Feb 23

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The seeking is what led me away from faith and to here.


I set out to learn more of the science I was taught to fear and ignore. And, I found out, even though a lot is over my head and may take several reads to understand what is being said-esp in physics, I LOVE it!


I floundered for awhile after I left and considered joining a group of former catholics who had spintered off and who appreared to be addressing my original major concerns (women clergy, meeting in small groups without the pomp, really focusing on helping the poor, and still attempting to get the church to address the abuse issue).
By the time I had found them I had already rejected the other faiths and begun to really try to read the bible. I decided I didn't need another group cherry picking morality out of what I now saw as a very flawed text. The end. 🙂


Faith is not about seeking truth but about seeking comfort. It's a way to hide from what you don't know.


I think we all seek to define ourselves in a way that we feel comfortable with. I found intellectual and emotional strength in an existential point of view -- not as a set of dogma, but a workable framework.


I had the idea to make my own religion in elementary school, before I understood the scale and amount of charisma necessary to do something like that.


It was the reverse, I found another truth that allowed me to cut the final thread to religion.


I learned about Humanism and it made sense to me. We learn truth from science not religion. Education, caring about each other, the environment and separation of church and state.


For about a year after leaving christianity, I studied other religions in hopes that not everything was a lie. But I eventually convinced myself that there was nothing to believe in and so I was free.


No, Hell no.!


Faith has nothing to do with seeking truth.




No. Since I've left the Catholic church (unofficially in 6th grade, officially when I turned 18 ) I have pretty much decided there are some things I'm just never going to know. I revisit the issue now and then, and it's always the same conclusion.


Yes, science!

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