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Ultra-orthodox Jewish "police" enforce Hasidic norms on non-Jews.


Elganned 8 Feb 6

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I know that can't be true because the Jews understand victimisation as well as anybody.

Sarcasm helps me deal with it. I should try to use emojis.


Horrific...unbelievable that this is happening in 21st century NewYork. Definitely needs the media spotlight on it.


And the "real police" are doing what?

If they were calling themselves Shariah or Danite rather than Shomrim there would be hell on excuse the pun.
But of course Muslims and Mormon cannot scream anti semite when disagreed with though many muslims depending on their place of ancestory would be entitled.


There are only 2 neighborhoods in Brooklyn that are Hasidic or Ultra Orthodox. But there is a private policing thing in those communites...and it didn't help when several years ago when that little kid (Klepsy I believe) was kidnapped...dismembered
..put in a freezer by a member of the community.


This is what happens when you put religious texts above maintaining human rights.

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