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Do you trust businessmen to look out for your best interests?

A lot of different reasons have been given for voting Trump. "He's owning the libtards", is a personal favorite of mine.

The one they seem to rely on to make the most sense is: "He's a successful businessman."

(assuming that's true)
Now, being rich does not make a person immoral. However, how many successful businessmen got rich and remained rich by prioritizing the well-being of people in general over personal profit?
Put a businessman in office and, yes, he is likely to turn a profit, for himself, and screw everybody in the process - besides a handful of his inner circle.

Or have I missed something? Do billionaires make a priority to enrich and enable the poor these days?

I just don't get the argument. Do you?

MLinoge 7 Feb 6

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Do you trust a lawyer to look out for your best interest? Many presidents were attorneys...

It has nothing to do with occupation before they became has to do with their success and how they handled themselves as human beings...their experience and how they treated people they worked with...

Trump was a shitty person to work for and treated his staff and vendors poorly and ran his businesses into bankruptcy...the money he did make was helped along with a start from his father and he even used those funds poorly...

Don't look at the occupation...look at the man...


No, I don't trust businessmen to look out for my interests and I don't think they should. I don't trust anyone, except some who I love and some good friends, who says they're looking out for my interests -- that is a red flag to me. Not businessmen, not politicians, not anyone but me.

A good businessman looks out for his own interests, which should be his business, if he wants to succeed. If his interests are long term, I trust that he will try to provide the best product he can. It is up to me to judge his product among many alternatives and determine if I think it is best for me. Sometimes I judge correctly, sometimes not. But it's my choice.

Being a good businessman does not mean someone will be a good President. Being a good businessman doesn't mean someone will have an understanding of economics (Trump), or foreign policy (Trump), or domestic policy (Trump). From my understanding of Trump's business history, I don't think he was that great.


In my opinion, that is exactly what 'mercan capitalism is about. Obtaining wealth by profit, as much as you can, as quickly as you can, any way you can. Morality and ethics has nothing to do with it and in fact is a hindrance to that end.


Adam Smith suggested if everyone looked out for themselves everyone would prosper.


I think many Trumplerites equate great wealth with great intelligence: "He's a billionaire, aint he?"
And Trump uses that mis-idea to make suckers out of them.


There is no logic to why people who voted for Trump did, nor is there just one single reason why he appealed to them. Here in the U.K. Brexit has had the same cause and effect as the Trump phenomenon has in the U.S.A. They are both dividing our countries almost 50/50. The question about the rich giving a damn about the rest of us...the answer is an emphatic NO! Anyway, Trump is not a self made man, he inherited his wealth from his father and has not proved to be particularly good at business, filing for bankruptcy four times!


Yeah, he's not a "successful businessman". He never really has been.
Just because it looks like he has money, doesn't really mean that he does.
Unfortunately, people who aren't rich tend to think that people who are actually
HAVE as much as they brag they do.
Most of 45's "wealth" is on paper (and I don't mean paper currency) and isn't real.

He's tanked FOUR casinos, and a bunch of other businesses.
He has been sued more times, for non-payment for goods and services, for fraudulent activity, and a number of other civil causes, than ANY other presidential
candidate in history.

Ignorant people don't understand that just because he says he's rich and great
businessman, doesn't mean he actually is.
He's a con man. Con men make stupid people believe their lies.
And vote for them for president.

Perfectly stated

Agreed. He's a useless businessman, but he's a very successful scumbag - unfortunately for the rest of us, very successful scumbags do tend to go a long way in politics.

And con man take advantage of the most naive in America, aka religious people.

If you are a con man, you will attract suckers by

@Heidi68 Thank you.


They all have some dirty tricks. Given the opportunity to put mprofit first they will take profit.


some people think life is all about making money. they're simpletons.

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