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name 5 things that give you a feeling/sense all is well

my puppy comes lay on me
relaxing in a hot tub
watching a camp fire
watching night turn day

davtim68 7 Nov 4

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My daughter laughing.
Walking on the beach.
Seeing Mt. Rainier on my way to work every morning.
Snuggling with my puppy.


A sky full of stars
The smell of new mown hay
A new born calf drawing its fist breath as its mother licks it clean
The crunch of snow on a frosty morning
The feel of a warm body snuggled up next to me


EDM Music! My hot lavender epsom salt baths, watching &/or Reading the wisdom of MEL ROBBINS and her 5 Second Rule (check out her TED TALK that changed my life:

writing, talking to you guys! <3

Lol, we have a lot in common, I love EDM and Ted Talk videos but I have not heard of Mel Robbins yet but I will check her out 🙂 Oh and I live on a farm and have a Huge 10 foot by 10 foot 5 foot deep fire pit that I keep burning most of the time 🙂

  1. Whenever the cats snuggle up on my lap for a contented snooze.
  2. Hearing the thoughtful rumblings of intense discussion between my kids as they gather over a portable game or a shared video on a small screen.
  3. The din of boistrous meals shared between multiple generations of the family gathered at the dinner table.
  4. Watching the sun rise, through mist rising off the lake as the first person awake at a family campsite.
  5. Singing loudly with my kids, and occasionally with my parents, to music belting from the car speakers as we are en route to pretty much anywhere.
Zster Level 8 Nov 4, 2017
  1. When I am laying down listenign to an audiobook and one (or both) of the cats comes n lays on top of me.

  2. Going for a hike/walk in the forest.

  3. Being outdoors and feeling the sun, wind and/or rain on my naked body.

  4. Enjoying a good meal at the pub with friends and/or family.

  5. Completing a little project out in the yard or to maintain the house.

I like keeping my life simple and uncomplicated.

You know, being outdoors needs to be one on my list. That is a GOAL of mine. Getting outside with nature MORE! Thank you! <3

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